Työmarkkinatorin Asiointi-osiossa voi esiintyä virhetilanteita uudistuksen takia. Jos et pysty hoitamaan asiaasi virheen vuoksi, olethan yhteydessä alueesi työvoimaviranomaiseen. Virhetilanteiden takia hoitamatta jääneet asiat voidaan korjata jälkikäteen. Lue lisää

Ohjeet ja tuki⁠

Work in Lapland ®

Are you looking for jobs in Lapland? Welcome to find your next job in Northern Finland!

Are you looking for jobs in Lapland? Welcome to find your next job in Northern Finland!

Welcome to the regional pages of Lapland at Job Market Finland. Here you will find information and news specifically about Lapland, including open job opportunities in the region, employers interested in foreign talent, information about different services offered in Lapland, upcoming events and news et cetera. Explore the website and discover more about finding work in Lapland. You will also find more information about different municipalities and the services they offer. For employers you can find information in English about starting a company, hiring employees et cetera. Welcome to Lapland!

Sisältöä ei voida näyttää evästeasetuksista johtuen. Salli evästeistä 'Markkinointi' nähdäksesi sisältö.

The content of this page was created by TE Services of Lapland. 

Did you know that "Work in Lapland" is a registered trademark? The trademark is owned by Lapland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.