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Work in Lapland ®

Are you looking for jobs in Lapland? Welcome to find your next job in Northern Finland!

Lapland offers a wide variety of different job opportunities in different industries and across the whole of Lapland. Those who move to Lapland can enjoy the hustle and bustle of cities, the peace of nature and opportunities to break away from everyday life through various hobby opportunities.

Lapland.fi - Above ordinary helps you to find more information about Lapland. You can take a short quiz and you might even find the perfect hometown for you! Whether you’re looking for a change of pace or a life-changing experience, working in Lapland is a great way to shake things up or calm things down. Municipalities across Lapland are looking for nurses, tour guides, engineers and baristas and everything in between. The best way to get started is to go visit the website Find Your Workplace in Lapland.

Find your workplace in Lapland (lapland.fi)

Sisältöä ei voida näyttää evästeasetuksista johtuen. Salli evästeistä 'Markkinointi' nähdäksesi sisältö.

There is a lot of information about moving, living and working in Finland. We want to help you find the right information and we have compiled information on this website that will support you, for example, in job hunting, dealing with different authorities and many other things.

You can follow the checklist at suomi.fi when you are coming to work in Finland.

More information

Checklist (suomi.fi)

As a rule, you can identify yourself at Job Market Finland through national Suomi.fi E-identification. For users who do not have the possibility of strong identification, an alternative email login is available.

My job path - Henkilöasiakkaat - Job Market Finland

There is a lot of information about moving to Finland, living and services. You may need permits for moving to and residing in Finland, depending on your citizenship and the purpose of the stay. People moving to Finland from other countries may, on certain conditions, receive Finnish social security benefits.

Moving to Finland (suomi.fi)

Digital and population data services agency’s website gives you instructions how to submit a notification of move when you are moving in Finland. Use these instructions if you move to Finland permanently from one home to another or temporarily to another address for not more than one year and return to your permanent address.

Moving in Finland (dvv.fi)


EURES Finland is an international recruitment service that allows a job seeker to look for a job in Europe. The goal of the EURES network is to find the right talent and promote the free movement of employees in the EU/EEA area.

EURES advisers (suomi.fi)

Before starting work in Finland, you must ensure and check that you have the right to work in Finland. On Finnish Immigration Service’s website you can find information about different residence permits and instructions how to submit applications.

Residence permit (migri.fi)

Finnish Immigration Service’s application finder helps you find the right application. Answer the questions, and the Application Finder will take you to the information you need.

Application finder (migri.fi)

When you arrive in Finland, you should start taking care of the official matters connected to your entry in Finland as soon as you have arrived in the country. Work in Finland has made a guide that helps you, for example, in the following matters:  

  • Start looking for a flat and open a bank account
  • Get an internet and phone connection
  • Start studying Finnish and find out about leisure activities
  • Prove your right to work to your employer and familiarise yourself with the local work culture
  • Find out how you pay taxes
  • Get a daycare place for your children or enrol them to pre-primary or basic education
  • Children aged over 15 must apply for upper secondary education ​​​​​

When you arrive (suomi.fi)

When you work in Finland in different positions, it is good that you familiarise yourself with the various professional rights. Under Finnish law, licensing is granted to the following professions: physician, dentist, pharmacist, psychologist, speech therapist, dietician, dispenser, nurse, midwife, public health nurse, physiotherapist, medical laboratory technologist, radiographer, dental hygienist, occupational therapist, optician and dental technician. There are 17 titles in total.

Professional practice rights (valvira.fi)

In some situations, you may also need instructions for recognition of qualifications. Recognition of qualifications refers to a decision on the eligibility that foreign qualifications provide when applying for a job or study place. In Finland, recognition decisions are made by competent authorities, educational establishments, higher education institutions and employers.

Recognition of qualifications (oph.fi)

Those who work in the food industry must know how to handle foodstuffs safely and hygienically.  An employee must have a hygiene passport if they work on food premises and handle unpackaged perishable foods.

Hygiene passport (ruokavirasto.fi)

Read more about job search and recruitment advice services

The pages are in Finnish. You can change the language to English after opening the link to access additional information about:

  • Job search information services
  • Work in Finland International Recruitment Advice Service for Employers
  • InfoFinland.fi, information on Finland in 12 languages