Login to Job Market Finland and Authorisations

Functions related to business activities require a person to have a specific role in the company or community. If you are not in such a role but want to use the Job Market Finland, you need Suomi.fi e-Authorizations.

Please select your situation below and check what authorisation you need. Below you can also find instructions for obtaining authorisation. Job Market Finland is not part of the authorisation process; it is a function between the authorising company and the authorised person in Suomi.fi.

Removing an authorisation

Please remember that the authorisation must be removed separately if, for example, the person you have authorised changes jobs and you no longer want them to represent your organisation in Job Market Finland. You can remove the authorisation in the Suomi.fi e-Authorisations service.

Personal customer

As a private customer, you do not need a separate authorisation for Job Market Finland. However, you must be able to log in to the service using Suomi.fi e-Identification. For this, you will need either a Finnish on-line banking ID, a mobile certificate or an identity card with a chip.

Company or association with a Business ID

You do not need separate authorisation to use Job Market Finland. You can use all the facilities of our service on behalf of your company.

If you wish, you can give another person authorisation to represent your company at the Job Market Finland. There are four different types of authorisation and they are intended for different functions - you can give a company representative full authorisation or limit a person's authority at the Job Market Finland. Authorisations are given through the Suomi.fi e-Authorizations service. You will find the instructions below.

A person entitled to sign for a company must give you authorisation to use the Job Market Finland.

  1. Go to the Suomi.fi authorisation service: Suomi.fi Authorisation (suomi.fi)
  2. Identify yourself with your personal online banking ID, mobile certificate, or certificate card.
  3. Select "Company's mandates"
  4. Select the company of your choosing from the list. Continue with the "Select and go to the e-service" button.
  5. Click "Grant mandates" and select the mandate type. Continue to the next pages with the “Next” button at the bottom right of the page.
  6. Select "Add a person". Enter the personal information of the person to be authorised and select "Add".
  7. Select the desired mandate themes. The authorisations of Job Market Finland are "Management of job advertisements", "Examination of jobseeker information and contacting applicants" and "Updating the description of job provider".
  • An authorised person with the "Management of job advertisements" authorisation can edit, publish, and delete job postings.
  • An authorised person with the "Examination of jobseeker information and contacting applicants" authorisation can contact job seekers who have published a job applicant profile
  • With the "Updating the description of job provider" authorisation, an authorised person can edit the general description of the employer, which will be displayed on all job postings.
  1. Select an expiration date in the "Validity" section.
  2. Finally, select "Validate".

The Enterprise Finland telephone service provides advice on Suomi.fi authorisation.

• Guidance services for employers and entrepreneurs

Authorizations related to Job Market Finland
