How to submit a contact request

You can submit a contact request to the service location responsible for your customer relationship, from which you will be contacted. You can submit a request when your job search is active and a phone number has been saved in your customer information. Please note that submitting a contact request does not change the deadlines issued to you in the ‘To note’ section of the ‘Tasks and events’ tab.

To submit a contact request, log in to Job Market Finland and go to the E-services. Under ‘Oikopolut / Shortcuts’, click ‘Jätä yhteydenottopyyntö / Submit a contact request’. You will then be able to fill in more information on your contact request.

Image 1: Under ‘Oikopolut / Shortcuts’, you will find the option ‘Jätä yhteydenottopyyntö / Submit a contact request’.

Please select the subject of your contact request. In the text box, explain in more detail what you want to discuss with the specialist.

Image 2: Submitting a contact request.

When you have completed the contact request, click ‘Lähetä / Submit’. In the confirmation window that appears, click ‘Lähetä / Submit’ again. You will receive a notification that your contact request has been saved.

Also check out these instructions

Follow the open tasks and meetings related to your account and complete the assigned tasks by the due date.

Log in to Job Market Finland and go to the E-services. Under the ‘Huomioitavaa / To note’ heading on the front page, you can see up to three of the most current tasks or events that are waiting for your actions. To view all the matters you need to note, click ‘Katso kaikki tehtävät ja tapahtumat / View all tasks and events’.

Image 1. You can find open tasks and events in the ‘Huomioitavaa / To note’ section.

To edit the contact information or the service language in the account information, click ‘Muokkaa / Edit’.

Image 1: Editing data.
