There will be an outage in the E-services of TE Services from Thursday, October 10 at 4.30 pm to Monday, October 14 at 8 am. During the outage, personal customer and employer E-services will be unavailable and there may be service breaks at Job Market Finland. Logging in to Job Market Finland is also not available during the outage and there may be gaps in the information content and the functionality of the links. We apologise for the inconvenience. Read more.

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Instructions and frequently asked questions

On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions regarding the use of Job Market Finland.

The details of a job posting have to be edited in the system where the posting was originally submitted. If you have opened your job posting in an employer’s own recruitment system, you have to use that system to edit it. If you have submitted the posting on Job Market Finland, edit it on Job Market Finland. 

There may be a delay of about 15 minutes when information is being updated between different systems. If a posting is edited in another system than the one used originally, the connection between the postings breaks and the changes will not be updated from one system to another.

When you publish a job posting, you have to select the end date of the application period from the calendar. You can even specify the time of day. If you do not enter a time of day, the default end time is 00.00. In this case, the job posting expires at midnight.

If you have added information related to the duration of the work in the additional information field of the TE Services job posting, Job Market Finland interprets the job as a temporary contract. If you select the length of the contract to be over 12 months in the job posting and enter something like “permanent” in the additional information field, the posting will be changed to temporary because of the additional information. If you want to set the job as a permanent contract, set the job duration to be over 12 months and leave the additional information field blank.

You can delete a job posting by logging into the system where the posting was originally submitted and by deleting the posting from the application search. If you delete the posting in another system but it stays in Job Market Finland, you have to log in to Job Market Finland and delete the posting there. The posting will be hidden when you click Archive.

You can contact job seekers with interesting profiles via the 'contact job seeker' button in the Job Market Finland profile. The message will be e-mailed to them. The sender is

If the job seeker has provided other contact information in their profile, you can also contact them directly. In principle, the profiles are anonymous.

The basic information on companies comes to Job Market Finland from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment’s data repository, which collects information from the Business Information System and various actors, such as Business Finland, Tukes, ELY Centres and the Tax Administration.

If there is incorrect information displayed under Basic business information, you can adjust it by making a change as a company representative in the Business Information System. The change will be imported from the Business Information System to our customer data repository and ultimately the information for your company. The changes made will not be updated directly to Job Market Finland and there will be a few days’ delay before the update. 

If you want to make changes to recruitment contact information, you can log in to Job Market Finland as a company representative and change the contact information under Company details. You may need separate e-Authorization to change the company’s contact information.