How to apply for labour market training

The labour market training programmes open for application can be found on the front page of Job Market Finland or the ‘E-services’ section. To access the labour market training search, select ‘Haussa oleva työvoimakoulutus / Labour market training open for application’.

Image 1: Labour market training open for application, Job Market Finland front page.

Image 2: Labour market training open for application, ‘E-services’ section front page.

You can search for labour market training by using different keywords, and you can also define limitations based on the region. For example, you can select regions or municipalities as the region.

Image 3: Labour market training open for application, selection of search factors.

Image 4: Search results for labour market training.

Select the labour market training that interests you and read more about it. To apply for the training, click ‘Täytä hakemus / Fill in the application’.

Image 5: Training information and opening the application.

You must first select whether you want to submit the application via strong identification or whether you are filling in an open application form. If you want to log in, select ‘Log in to the service with your banking ID’. If you want to submit the application without strong identification, select ‘With the open application form’. Please note that for an application submitted on an open form to become effective, personal contact is always required. The open application must be confirmed before the end of the application period for the training.

If the use of E-services is not possible for you, you can find the paper application in the web service.

Image 6: Selecting a login method.

Accept the terms of the online training search service and fill in the application for labour market training.

Image 7: Acceptance of the terms and conditions of the online training search service.

Fill in the application carefully, as the information on the form will be used to assess whether you are suitable for the training.

You can save the application as incomplete. An incomplete application must be completed and submitted before the end of the application period. Incomplete applications are not considered in the selections.

When you have completed the application, click ‘Submit’. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation of approval. To close the confirmation notification, click ‘Close’.

Image 8: Application for labour market training.

Submitted and incomplete labour market training applications can be found in the ‘Training and services’ section of the ‘E-services’ section.

Image 9: Status of training applications and incomplete training applications, E-services.
