Error situations may occur in the 'E-services' section of Job Market Finland due to its recent reform. If you are unable to handle your case due to an error, leave a contact request in the E-services. Explain what you were trying to do and your responsible specialist will contact you. If activating your job search is not possible due to an error situation in the E-services, please contact the TE Office or local government pilot. If you need a certificate for the activation of your job search, leave a contact request in the E-services.
On this page, you will find advice on how to use the Job Market Finland. The instructions are divided into different target groups. Notifications about disruptions and instructions on how to act in case of disruptions can be found on a separate page.
At Job Market Finland, individual customers can deal with employment officials in the 'E-services' section or apply for a job or plan business activities voluntarily in the 'My job path' section.
At Job Market Finland, employers and entrepreneurs can search for job seekers, publish job postings, and plan business activities.
Työmarkkinatorilla yhteistyökumppanit voivat tarjota palveluitaan tai ottaa käyttöönsä työpaikkojen tuonti- ja vientirajapintoja.