When you are an unemployed job seeker, unemployment security financially ensures your ability to apply for work and improves your chances of entering or returning to the labour market.
Start of job search
Register as a job seeker no later than your first day of unemployment to receive unemployment benefits.
Certificate of the validity of job search
If you need to prove that your job search is valid and that you have registered as a job seeker, you can print the front page of the E-services section or show it on a mobile device, where the validity and start date of your job search are displayed. If this does not meet your needs, the service provider does not accept the evidence, or for some reason it is not possible to obtain or print it, the employment authority can sign a separate certificate confirming the validity of your job search and unemployment.
You can register as a job seeker in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. If you become unemployed or are laid off, register as a job seeker as soon as possible.
You can find employment services, like registering as a job seeker, in the 'E-services' section.
You can register as a job seeker before your unemployment or lay-off begins, but do so no later than on your first day of unemployment, because you can only receive unemployment benefits from the registration date.
You can identify yourself at Job Market Finland with online banking credentials, a mobile certificate, or a chip-based ID card. If you cannot identify yourself in these ways or you are not a citizen of an EU or EEA member state, you can register as a job seeker in your regional employment service office.
On Job Market Finland's regional pages you can read more about the transfer of employment services to municipalities and how you should handle matters in the future. The regional pages also contain contact information provided by employment officials.
Browse regional services
If you are applying for unemployment security, after starting your job search, you will receive a labour policy statement on your right to unemployment security. You can see the statements given to you in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. Unemployment benefits are only paid for the time you are an unemployed job seeker. Your entitlement to unemployment security is influenced by many factors. Read more about them in the 'Unemployment security' section.
If you have participated in labour market training or been employed on a pay subsidy and become unemployed again, register as a job seeker.
Read more
- Unemployment security
- The rights and responsibilities of unemployed job seekers
- Services and integration plan for immigrants
Agree on further services with your assigned service specialist
When you start your job search, you will agree with your assigned employment service specialist on how your customer relationship will progress with employment services.
You can contact your service specialist via the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. There you can also view all your open tasks.
In the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland you can
- view your employment plan that entails your agreed job search obligations, i.e. tasks that promote your employment, and mark them as completed by the due dates,
- view your own information related to your unemployment security, such as statements and open requests for clarification,
- update the changes in your job search situation or inform of employment,
- maintain your contact information, and
- submit a contact request to your service specialist.
Read more
- Initial interview and job search discussions
- Employment plan
- Handling matters in the employment services
This website is part of the European Commission's Your Europe portal. Did you find what you were looking for? Give feedback! (europa.eu)

Registering as a job seeker involves several stages. Go through all the stages carefully to keep your job search valid. Based on your registration, the employment official will issue a labour policy statement on your entitlement to unemployment security. If your job search is interrupted, your entitlement to unemployment security ends.
If you become unemployed or are laid off, register as a job seeker as soon as possible. The registration can be made in advance before the unemployment or lay-off begins. However, do so no later than on your first day of unemployment, because you can only receive an unemployment benefit from the registration date.
Browse regional services
Read more
You can find employment services, like registering as a job seeker, in the 'E-services' section.
You can register as unemployed in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. If you do not have online banking codes, a mobile certificate or a smart ID card, you can register as a job seeker at your regional employment service office.
On Job Market Finland's regional pages you can read more about the transfer of employment services to municipalities and how you should handle matters in the future. The regional pages also contain contact information provided by employment officials.
Registration in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland
If you are a Finnish citizen and you have online banking codes, a mobile certificate, or a smart ID card, it is recommended that you activate your job search in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland.
Log into the service
Log into the service using your online banking codes, a mobile certificate, or a smart ID card.
Fill in the requested information carefully
- Verify that your contact information is correct. It is important that the employment official can contact you.
- Report any changes that you are aware of, such as your employment relationships or studies beginning in the following three months. Report only changes that are fully confirmed.
- Describe your employment history. Please complete the employment end dates and reasons. Also mention your possible previous or current entrepreneurial activities in your work history. Any incomplete information may need to be checked by means of a request for clarification or by telephone, so the processing of your matter may be delayed if you have not provided the information carefully.
- Report your education history and study completion dates. You must also report incomplete studies for which you do not have a diploma or a notice of discontinuation of studies.
- Answer the questions about the service needs assessment. Based on your answers, the most suitable services will be evaluated for you.
- Remember to also report working as a family caregiver or being self-employed, such as doing freelance work. If necessary, use the ‘Additional information’ field.
Please note that after registration, you will no longer be able to change the work history or education information you have provided.
You must also indicate where you are applying for unemployment security. If you are a member of an unemployment fund and the employment condition is met, you apply for unemployment security from your fund. Otherwise, Kela will pay you an unemployment benefit. The employment official issues a labour policy statement to the payer regarding your entitlement to unemployment security.
More information
Once you have submitted the registration, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt that will include the information you submitted, the period for which your job search is valid and instructions on how to proceed. It states that you will be contacted without delay. Read it carefully.
Your job search will be valid until further notice after you have received the notification of receipt.
Service specialists will offer guidance if necessary in the chat of Job Market Finland's 'E-services' section. Currently, the chat service is only available in Finnish.
Registration if you cannot use the E-services at Job Market Finland
If you do not have an online banking ID, a mobile certificate, or a smart ID card, or you cannot log in to Job Market Finland for some other reason, register as a job seeker at your regional employment service office.
On Job Market Finland's regional pages you can read more about the transfer of employment services to municipalities and how you should handle matters in the future. The regional pages also contain contact information provided by employment officials.
Note the following matters
- You do not need to send attachments. The employment official will request appendices, such as diplomas and employment certificates, if necessary.
- If your employment relationship has ended during a trial period or at your own request, or if you have been dismissed, the employment official will submit a clarification request to you. You will be notified of this in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland, by mail, or by text message.
- If necessary, the employment official will request additional information on your studies or business activities by means of a clarification request. You will be notified of this in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland, by mail, or by text message.
- Processing is faster if you respond to any clarification requests in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. The response time is 14 days. The clarification request will be processed within 30 days of your response.
- You can monitor the progress of your situation in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. You will also find your statement there when it is ready.
- If necessary, submit a contact request through the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. Registrations will be processed in the order of arrival, so a request to contact you will not speed up your processing.
Always actively seek work yourself. When you are a job seeker, be prepared to accept the work or training that your employment service specialist offers you.
This website is part of the European Commission's Your Europe portal. Did you find what you were looking for? Give feedback! (europa.eu)

You can improve as a job seeker when you master the basics of job search.
On this page, we have gathered tips to help you improve your chances of employment. We provide guidance on, for example, how to get started with your job application documents and how to prepare for a job interview.
At Job Market Finland, you can automate your job search by creating a job applicant profile. In it, you can introduce yourself, highlight your skills, and list your education and work experience. Based on the provided information, you will recieve job recommendations that suit you, and employers interested in your skills can contact you.
Before sending a job application
The job seeking process consists of several stages, and it is advisable to start by acquiring information. Once you have found an interesting job, try to obtain the best possible understanding of the employer and everything that is involved with the open position. When you have acquired information in advance, it will be easier for you to apply for the position.
When you find an interesting position, read the job posting carefully. It is a good idea to find answers to at least the following questions related to the open position.
- What are the main responsibilities and special requirements of the position?
- Do you need a specific degree or certain type of work experience?
- Do the tasks correspond to your competence?
- What can you learn from the job requirements?
- What kind of person are they looking for to fill the position?
Before submitting a job application, you should also familiarise yourself with the employer. Visit the organisation’s website and find out at least the sector, size, and structure of the organisation, as well as its vision, values, and objectives.
Once you have familiarised yourself with both the position and the employer, and you still want to apply for the position, you should consider your next step. Will you contact the employer before sending your job application? Will calling or visiting the workplace, or sending an email help you write your application? Sometimes the job posting contains the contact details of the person participating in the recruitment process and the times when you can approach the employer. If you really have questions about the position and feel that it is useful to contact the employer, you can do so before submitting your job application. However, you should carefully consider the most suitable choice for your situation and proceed accordingly.
Job application documents
Although it may seem old-fashioned to draw up traditional job application documents, almost every job application process still requires an application letter and a CV. A one-page application letter and a resume of maximum two pages is usually a good combination.
It may be challenging to formulate your own competence in a comprehensive yet interesting manner. The following instructions will help you create a successful application letter and an interesting CV.
It is a good idea to invest some time and effort in writing your application letter, as what you write can help you get a job interview. The aim of the application letter is to attract the recruiter’s attention so that you will be invited to a job interview.
In the application letter, you will describe
- why you are applying for the job,
- how you meet the selection criteria for the position, and
- why you should be selected for the job in question.
The application letter should give a positive impression of you. It should be concise and targeted specifically at the employer whose position you are applying for. You describe your background and work history in your CV, but in the application letter, the focus is on the future.
Avoid making lists. In the application letter, you can describe yourself and your competence more informally. In addition to subject-related competence, you should also highlight your other strengths that are useful for the position you are applying for. In addition to describing them, it is essential to explain in the application letter what you can offer the organisation.
If you are applying for a position for which you do not have any previous experience, explain how your competence fits the position, and emphasise your motivation, good attitude, and ability to learn.
Finally, you should run a spell check on your text. The application letter is an opportunity to demonstrate your competence, and even small details matter. Therefore, make sure that there are no spelling mistakes in the text.
When working on a CV, try to make it comprehensive yet also clear. You can use creativity when making your CV, but you should not divert too far from the commonly used structure. Express yourself concisely. It is, after all, very important that the recruiter finds the relevant information easily and quickly, as not much time is necessarily given to each individual CV.
A good CV is visually interesting, clear and easy to understand. It quickly indicates whether you meet the requirements of the position.
It is a good idea to describe your work experience and educational information in chronological order, with the most recent experience first. Briefly describe each of your work experiences. Describe what your tasks have included and what you have learned from the work. In addition to work experience, you can also describe your language and IT skills, and provide a list of references.
Check that your resume includes your contact information.
LinkedIn profiles have not superseded traditional CVs, but the service can support your CV in the job application process.
You can also write an application letter in the email message field. Consider the text in your email message as carefully as if you were writing a traditional application letter.
- In the subject field, write “Application” and the title of the position you are applying for.
- Upload your CV as an attachment to the message.
- Begin with a friendly greeting.
- Type your application letter in the text field. You do not need to follow the layout of a traditional application letter.
- Explain that your CV is attached to the email message.
- End your letter with a closing phrase and your contact information.
Employers’ own electronic job search services have their own specific characteristics. Recruiters may, for example, perform word searches on them. In other words, search the job posting for keywords describing the nature of the task and the applicant’s characteristics, and use them in your application. Remember to also describe your personal expertise.
When submitting an application in the employer’s online service, read the instructions carefully. It is a good idea to first write your text using a text editing programme and copy it to the form afterwards.
In the case of an open application, update it regularly.
It is increasingly common for employers to request video applications from job seekers. Video material makes it easier for the employer to pre-select applicants. You can use a video to give a more authentic image of yourself than with a traditional job application.
Make a short, 1–3 minute video and upload it to a video service. Send the link to the employer.
You should practice beforehand so that you can express yourself naturally instead of reading from a piece of paper. For example, you can use the video to
- describe your special talents,
- talk about your personality and strengths, or
- provide an example of your language skills.
A portfolio is a collection of your best and most important work or achievements. You can assemble a portfolio in different ways. It can be a folder, portfolio, demo, plan, drawing, or a photo collection.
Portfolios are most commonly used in the creative sector, but they work well in many other fields, too. For example, a chef’s portfolio may include their personal recipes, photos of dishes and customer feedback.
You should assemble a new portfolio for every new application. However, do not make your portfolio too broad in scope.
A portfolio can include
- certificates, recommendations and evaluations,
- samples of various work tasks in the form of brochures, posters, programmes, magazine articles or similar, or
- anything that will help you land the job.
You can send your portfolio to the employer or take it with you to your job interview and present it there. If your portfolio can be found online, remember to include a link in your job application.
Job interview
You should not think of a job interview as a one-sided interrogation, but as an opportunity for people to get to know each other. For employers, an interview is a way to test the suitability of a job seeker for an open position and the work community. The applicant will also familiarise themselves with the employer and reflect on their suitability for the position and their interest in becoming part of the organisation. Keep this in mind when you attend the job interview.
When you challenge the interviewer and ask questions about the employer or position, you will give the impression that you are motivated and indicate that you are genuinely interested in the position. At the same time, you will gain information on whether the position is right for you.
Next, we will give you tips on how to succeed in a job interview.
When you are well-prepared for the interview, you can relax and be yourself. It is alright to feel a little nervous.
You should do the following before the interview.
- Find out more about the employer.
- Remind yourself of the job description and what is stated in the job posting.
- Go over your competencies and be prepared to describe them concisely.
- Think about the questions that you would like to ask about the job and your potential employer.
A positive first impression goes a long way when people meet for the first time. Dress in a way that suits the position and employer. Remember to take your application letter, CV, work and educational certificates, and possible portfolio with you. Be on time.
In the interview, the recruiter will evaluate whether you are genuinely interested in the position and whether your skills and competence are suited for the position. Above all, the interview will reveal your interaction skills and attitude. If there are more than one interviewers present, give each one of them an equal amount of attention.
Remember that your body language, expressions, and the way that you speak tell a lot about yourself. Listen to what they are asking you, and take your time to think before answering. When answering, be honest, but remember to also consider what should possibly be left out.
There are usually three stages to an interview.
- General issues are often discussed in the beginning. The aim is to create an overview of the interviewee.
- In the middle of the interview, the interviewers ask questions with the aim to find out how motivated you are and how you would fit the position. The questions will also involve your career and changes therein. In addition, the interviewers will want to know what kind of a person you are, your values, and your attitude.
- The final stage of the interview focuses on the more practical matters related to the position, such as your salary, working time and start date. The interviewer also often describes how the application process will continue. If necessary, you can also ask questions about the next stages of the process.
After the interview is over, think about how it went. Assess what went well and what you could improve on.
If you are not chosen for the position, ask the employer or interviewer what factors were emphasised in the selection, and what were the reasons why you were not chosen for the job.
Practice answering the questions and consider appropriate answers in advance. The better you prepare, the more confident you will feel during the interview.
- Tell us briefly about yourself.
- Describe your current or most recent employment relationship.
- Why are you applying for this job?
- Why do you want to switch jobs?
- What are your goals for the future?
- What are you like as a colleague or supervisor?
- What are the most important things that you have learned in your previous jobs?
- Describe your dream job or workplace.
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- How will your strengths help you succeed in your task? What have you done or will you do to fix your weaknesses?
- What motivates you as an employee?
- Describe the type of work community that you thrive in.
- Describe your idea of a good place to work.
- Do you prefer working alone or in a group?
- Why are you applying for a position that is not related to your previous work experience and educational background?
- How do you work under pressure? Give a concrete example.
- Are you ready to travel for work?
- Are you prepared to be flexible with your working hours?
- How much salary do you want?
- What have you learned in your previous jobs?
- What achievement are you particularly proud of?
- Why should we choose you?
- What would you like to know about us?
- Who could recommend you for the position?
- If we called the person giving you a reference, what would they tell us about you?
You may be asked several similar questions, and the order of the questions may seem completely random. This way, the interviewer may simply be testing how you cope under pressure.
Other matters related to the job seeking process
It is worth remembering that you do not need to answer all questions asked by the employer. It is also good to be aware that, in addition to the job interview, the employer can examine your suitability for the position by means of personal assessments and aptitude tests.
There are certain topics that should not affect the recruitment process. During a job interview or similar encounter, you do not need to answer questions related to your
- age,
- health,
- family relationships or plans,
- sexual orientation,
- ethnic background,
- religion, or
- political orientation.
The employer is not allowed to place job seekers in an unequal position on the basis of the aforementioned characteristics.
Exceptions to this may include some situations where the listed features have a material impact on the performance of the work tasks.
In addition to a job interview, your competence and aptitude for the task may be evaluated in other ways.
Your professional competence may be tested in different ways. For example, you may be asked to do a demo in a situation that resembles work, participate in group work, or give a small-scale presentation.
A psychological evaluation can be used to assess and predict how you will perform in a task by studying your thinking, expertise, skills, characteristics, or operating models.
Through psychological assessment, the employer may wish to find out, for example,
- how you solve problems,
- how well you withstand pressure, and
- what kind of interaction style and personality you have.
It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the tests are based on reliable methods and that the information gained during the testing process is accurate. The people who perform these tests must have sufficient expertise.
The best way to prepare for these types of tests is to be yourself and go in with an open mind. You are always entitled to receive a copy of your test report or oral feedback on it.
Browse regional services
Job seeking requires personal intiative, but you don't have to do everything on your own. Various services help you in your job search in different life situations.
If you need help with considering education and career options or clarifying your future plans, you should participate in career and career choice guidance, education and training guidance, or career coaching. At the beginning of your job search, you may need to develop your job search skills, in which case you can participate in group job search training or individual job search training. Through a work try-out, you can get to know a new field, or it can support your return to working life after a long absence. If you need to update your skills or are planning to train in a new field, labour market training or RekryKoulutus Recruitment Training can be a good option.
If you are aged under 30, a visit to a One-Stop Guidance Center can help you get started. The One-Stop Guidance Center provides information and guidance according to your needs, for example on matters related to studying, finding employment, and the smoothness of everyday life.
The Abilitator is a free self-assessment method of work ability and functioning for all people of working age. With the Abilitator quiz you can find out about your situation, strengths, and development needs.
Financial assistance for job search and employment
If you are an unemployed job seeker, the employer can be granted a pay subsidy for your hiring costs. If you are over 55 years old and unemployed as a job seeker, the employer can be granted employment subsidy for job seekers aged 55 or over. When you apply for a job or accept a job as an unemployed person in a location that is far from where you live, you can receive compensation or assistance for travel and accommodation costs or commuting and moving costs.
Read what kind of compensation and subsidies you can get for travel and accommodation costs caused by looking for a job, as well as commuting and moving costs when you accept a job far from your current place of residence as an unemployed person.
This website is part of the European Commission's Your Europe portal. Did you find what you were looking for? Give feedback! (europa.eu)

Finding a job may seem difficult if you do not have any previous work experience yet. Many start their careers with short employment relationships, such as summer jobs, substitute work, or traineeships.
Be bold when looking for work
These days, people typically look for jobs on websites listing job vacancies. Companies and organisations often also describe their open positions on their own websites and social media channels.
When you find an interesting open job, apply for it. Writing a job application or getting a job interview gives you important experience, even if you do not get the job.
However, not all open positions are advertised. You can directly contact an employer that interests you and submit an open job application.
At Job Market Finland you can find tips on writing a job application and preparing for a job interview. Have you already looked at open jobs at Job Market Finland or created a job applicant profile?
Read more
A good attitude and networks can be more important than experience
If you do not have work experience yet, emphasise your attitude and enthusiasm. As many employers want to find a person who will fit into their work community and who is willing to learn new things, extensive work experience is not always the most important selection criterion. Your employer is usually prepared to familiarise you with your work tasks and may offer more extensive training.
Networks are also important in working life. You can ask or hear about interesting vacancies from your friends and acquaintances. Many boost their networks during their studies and in employment relationships, voluntary work, and hobbies. You can also grow your networks in various social media services.
Be active during employment
Take any employment relationships including short-term work such as summer jobs or substitute work seriously. When you do your job well, your supervisor will remember you and you might be able to keep getting hired in the future.
Your CV will show your employer if you have worked in the same workplace for several summers in a row, for example. This usually indicates that you have been well-liked and have done your job properly. On the other hand, it is worth remembering that employers can also appreciate diverse experiences gathered from different workplaces.
The following tips help you to ensure that your employer will remember you during your employment relationship:
- Support your co-workers – listening can also help.
- Learn new things and don’t be afraid of change.
- If you notice any shortcomings, you can tell your colleague or supervisor about them.
- Focus on solutions.
- Practise giving and receiving good and constructive feedback.
People aged under 30 receive help from the Youth Guarantee and the One-Stop Guidance Center
If you are aged under 30, you can get help with starting your career from the Youth Guarantee and the One-Stop Guidance Center.
The purpose of the Youth Guarantee is to promote young people's placement in education and the labour market, and to prevent prolonged unemployment and social exclusion.
The One-Stop Guidance Center provides you with help and support in matters related to studying, employment, housing, and well-being. There are approximately 70 One-Stop Guidance Centers located all over Finland, and the operation covers every single region.
The best way is to visit a One-Stop Guidance Center personally, either during the Center’s opening hours or based on agreement. For more information, visit the One-Stop Guidance Center website. Additionally, many One-Stop Guidance Centers are on Facebook and Instagram, and some of them also on YouTube, Snapchat, and Discord.
The One-Stop Guidance Centers employ career guidance officers and case managers as well as social welfare and health care professionals. The services provided by the One-Stop Guidance Centers and the professionals who work in the centres vary slightly between localities. The professionals at the One-Stop Guidance Centers will listen to you and provide you with support for finding a suitable solution.
More information
- Three tips for young people (elamassa.fi, in Finnish)
- Information about the Guidance center (elamassa.fi, in Finnish)
- Economy and Youth (tat.fi)
- Information about the working life of graduates from the Universities and the Universities of Applied Sciences (töissä.fi)
This website is part of the European Commission's Your Europe portal. Did you find what you were looking for? Give feedback! (europa.eu)

Are you returning to employment after taking, for example, parental leave or time for providing informal care?
If you are returning to work after a break from employment, you should make use of the various services that promote employment.
If you need help in applying for a job, effective help can be found through job seeking training, job coaching and the job search advice and guidance provided by employment services.
Are you interested in a whole new profession or sector? The psychological service for career selection and career guidance, career coaching, labour market training, and work try-outs are all options that can help you start a new career. It is also worth exploring apprenticeship training, which is one way of training for a new profession.
If you are returning to working life after a longer period of sick leave, it is worth exploring options for rehabilitative work activities
Nationwide services
Browse regional services
- Vocational guidance and career planning
- Career coaching
- Advice and guidance to jobseekers
- Work try-out
- Job-search training
- Job coaching
- Labour market training
- Pay subsidies
More information
The purpose of unemployment security is to compensate you for the financial losses caused by unemployment.
Register as an unemployed job seeker in order to receive unemployment security. You can register a job seeker in the E-services at Job Market Finland. The different forms of unemployment security include earnings-related unemployment allowance, basic unemployment allowance, and labour market subsidy.
You can find employment services, like registering as a job seeker, in the 'E-services' section.
- Clarification requests and processing times related to unemployment security statements
- Handling matters in the employment services
This website is part of the European Commission's Your Europe portal. Did you find what you were looking for? Give feedback! (europa.eu)
