Postponing the date of submission of a clarification request

Postponing the date of submission of a clarification request

On the ‘Tehtävät ja tapahtumat / Tasks and events’ tab of the E-services at Job Market Finland, you can postpone the date of submission of a pending clarification request. Under the request for clarification, click ‘Siirrä palautuspäivää / Postpone the date of submission’, after which you will see a new view where you can select a new submission date.

Image 1: Postponing the date of submission of a clarification request on the ‘Tehtävät ja tapahtumat / Tasks and events’ tab.

Selecting a new submission date

In the view that opens, select a new submission date. It must not be more than one month after the original submission date. Finally, click ‘Siirrä palautuspäivää / Postpone the date of submission’. If you want to cancel the postponing of the submission date, click ‘Peruuta / Cancel’.

Image 2: View of the postponing of the submission date of the clarification request.

You will receive a confirmation message about the postponing of the submission date.

Image 3: Confirmation message on the postponing of the submission date.
