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Personal customers
Labour market trainings
Information about working life
Searching for work
Handling official matters and registering as a job seeker
Registration instructions for Finnish citizens
Registration instructions for citizens of EU and EEA countries and Switzerland
Реєстрація шукача роботи та пошук роботи в Фінляндії - Registering as a job seeker and job search for Ukrainians in Finland
Registration instructions for a citizen of another country
Tips for finding a job
Services to support job seeking
Handling matters in the employment services
Initial interview and job search discussions
Assessment of service needs
Employment plan
Youth Guarantee
Seasonal work
Training and education
Different ways to study
On-the-job learning
Studying while unemployed
Competence development
Managing financially during studies
Career and employment
Career choices and planning for your career
At the start of your career
Employment relationship and employment contract
Employee's rights and obligations
Workplace equality
Wellbeing at work and maintaining the ability to work
Occupational safety
Impact of disability or illness on work ability (partial working ability)
Ways of adapting work to fit the employee
Assessing working ability
Returning to work
Rehabilitative work activities
At the end of your career
Different forms of entrepreneurship
Light entrepreneur
Franchise entrepreneur
Different ways to get employed
Grant recipient
Social media influencer
Rental worker
Informal carer
Coming to Finland from abroad
Applying for a residence permit as an employee
Studying in Finland
Studying as an immigrant
Services and integration plan for immigrants
Working in an internship abroad
Checklist for emigrants
Study, internship, and volunteer work abroad
Unemployment security
How to apply for unemployment security
Clarification requests and processing times related to unemployment security statements
Inform the employment official on changes to your employment status
Instructions for the start or end of employment
Unemployment security for employees
Unemployment security for entrepreneurs and self-employed persons
Unemployment security for persons under the age of 25
Student unemployment security
Unemployment security for laid-off workers
Unemployment security for immigrants
Unemployment security for volunteers or other unpaid workers
Pay security
Mandatory waiting period
The rights and responsibilities of unemployed job seekers
Transition security from the employee’s perspective
Joint service model for multisectoral support to promote employment
Situation-based information
I want a change in my career
I am interested in self-employment
Starting a business interests me
I want to study
I am at the start of my career
I am returning to work
I have been laid off
I am unemployed or about to be unemployed
My unemployment has continued for a long time
I am applying for unemployment security
I need help to support my ability to work
Working, interning or studying abroad
I am coming to work in Finland
I am at the end of my career
Professional information
My job path
Employers and entrepreneurs
Information on being an employer or entrepreneur
Being an employer
Becoming an employer
Acting as an employer
Making an employment contract
Orientation of a new employee
Hiring a young employee
Failed recruitment
Termination of employer status
Employer's rights and obligations
Finding a new employee
Finding an employee at Job Market Finland
Need for special skills
Different ways of employing people
Working community
Employee competency
A healthy work community
Ways of adapting work for the employer
Workplace diversity
Conflicts at the workplace
Celebrating your staff
International recruitment
Guidelines for hiring a foreign employee
Application process for residence permit applications for an employed person
Work permit services
Creating a job posting for international recruitment
EURES services for employers
Private service providers
Changes to the employment contract
Alternatives to lay-offs and dismissals
Change negotiations
Transition security for the employer
Lay-offs from the employer's perspective
Dismissal and termination of employment relationship as an employer
Employee retirement
Help for starting a business
Part-time entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial training and career coaching
Social entrepreneurship
Situation-based information
I want to hire an employee
I want to develop the skills and wellbeing of my staff
I need support for being an employer
I am recruiting from abroad
Starting a business interests me
Lay-offs or dismissals of staff ahead
I want to develop my own business
I need information about supporting the ability to work
Entrepreneurship tools
Business plan
Entrepreneurship tests
Terms of use, privacy and accessibility
Business E-services
Regional pages
Personal customers
Employers and entrepreneurs
Regional pages
Regional pages
Central Savo employment area
Contact information
Central Savo employment area
Select municipality
Front page
Current issues
Contact information
Contact information
National guidance services
Guidance services for personal customers
Guidance services for employers and entrepreneurs
Contact information for transition security