Services to support job seeking

Job seeking requires personal intiative, but you don't have to do everything on your own. Various services help you in your job search in different life situations.

If you need help with considering education and career options or clarifying your future plans, you should participate in career and career choice guidance, education and training guidance, or career coaching. At the beginning of your job search, you may need to develop your job search skills, in which case you can participate in group job search training or individual job search training. Through a work try-out, you can get to know a new field, or it can support your return to working life after a long absence. If you need to update your skills or are planning to train in a new field, labour market training or RekryKoulutus Recruitment Training can be a good option.

Vocational guidance and career planning help you assess your vocational, education or work options.

Career coaching guides and supports you in studying different career options.

You can study job-seeking skills in job-search training.

Job coaching will guide and support you personally in searching for a job and finding employment.

You can use a work try-out to find out about career choices and career options in practical tasks. You can also use it to support your return to work.

Labour market training helps you develop your professional skills and promote your employment.

Joint procurement training is labour market training organised jointly by the employment authority and a company.

If you are aged under 30, a visit to a One-Stop Guidance Center can help you get started. The One-Stop Guidance Center provides information and guidance according to your needs, for example on matters related to studying, finding employment, and the smoothness of everyday life. 

The Abilitator is a free self-assessment method of work ability and functioning for all people of working age. With the Abilitator quiz you can find out about your situation, strengths, and development needs. 


Financial assistance for job search and employment

If you are an unemployed job seeker, the employer can be granted a pay subsidy for your hiring costs. If you are over 55 years old and unemployed as a job seeker, the employer can be granted employment subsidy for job seekers aged 55 or over. When you apply for a job or accept a job as an unemployed person in a location that is far from where you live, you can receive compensation or assistance for travel and accommodation costs or commuting and moving costs.

A pay subsidy is an economic benefit for employers to cover the pay of an unemployed jobseeker.

The employment subsidy is a financial subsidy for employers for the salary costs of an unemployed jobseeker aged 55 or over.

Read what kind of compensation and subsidies you can get for travel and accommodation costs caused by looking for a job, as well as commuting and moving costs when you accept a job far from your current place of residence as an unemployed person.

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