Employment plan
An employment service specialist will prepare with you a personal employment plan with the aim of finding employment quickly. The employment plan specifies the goals of your job search, how you will promote your employment, what services you need, and how you will manage matters in the future with employment services.
An employment plan is drawn up in an initial interview or a supplementary job search discussion held before the interview. The implementation of the employment plan is monitored in job search discussions.
You can find your employment plan in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. You must report the completion of the tasks agreed in your employment plan within the agreed deadline. If you are unable to report these through Job Market Finland, you can also notify the employment official directly about the completion of the tasks.
On Job Market Finland's regional pages you can read more about the transfer of employment services to municipalities and how you should handle matters in the future. The regional pages also contain contact information provided by employment officials.
Read more
- Initial interview and job search discussions
- Handling matters in the employment services
- Employment services locally
More information
Different plans
Depending on your situation, your plan is an employment plan, activation plan, integration plan, or a cross-sectoral employment plan. You draw up the plan together with your assigned employment service specialist.
If you have been unemployed for a long time and your goal is to improve your life management and likelihood of finding employment, you will draw up an activation plan or a cross-sectoral employment plan together with a service specialist.
If you are an immigrant, you will draw up an integration plan together with a service specialist.
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Tasks agreed on in the employment plan
The number of job opportunities to be applied for, i.e. your job search obligation, is recorded in the employment plan. The aim is for you to find employment in the open labour market as quickly as possible.
To qualify for unemployment security, you must take part in the assessment of your service needs, in drawing up and reviewing your employment plan, and in services that support your job search and promote your employment. You must actively apply for work or training and, as a general rule, four job opportunities per month. The employment plan takes into account that the job opportunities to be applied for must be those in which you can find employment. For example, any disability or the labour market situation in your region will also be considered in your employment plan. If you do not have any job opportunities to apply for, you will not be given a job search obligation.
Fulfilling the job search obligation
There are many ways to fulfil your job search obligation. It is possible for you to for example
- apply for a job of your choice,
- request additional work from your employer,
- search for work opportunities as an entrepreneur,
- create and publish a job applicant profile at Job Market Finland, and
- apply for another job opportunity like these.
In addition to this, the employment official may submit job offers to you. The job offers are binding if your job search has lasted six months since the initial interview. The job offer is not obligatory if you have reported that you have applied for an agreed number of job opportunities before the job offer in the reference period.
Impact of the employment plan on unemployment security
As a job seeker applying for unemployment security, you must act in accordance with the employment plan and notify the employment official of the implementation of the plan in the manner specified in it. The implementation of the plan may have an impact on your unemployment security.
You agree on the employment plan together with your assigned employment service specialist.
In the employment plan, you must agree on
- how the implementation of the plan is monitored,
- the deadlines for the agreed measures and how you report on their implementation, and
- the time limit within which you must notify of the implementation of the plan.
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