At the start of your career
Finding a job may seem difficult if you do not have any previous work experience yet. Many start their careers with short employment relationships, such as summer jobs, substitute work, or traineeships.
Be bold when looking for work
These days, people typically look for jobs on websites listing job vacancies. Companies and organisations often also describe their open positions on their own websites and social media channels.
When you find an interesting open job, apply for it. Writing a job application or getting a job interview gives you important experience, even if you do not get the job.
However, not all open positions are advertised. You can directly contact an employer that interests you and submit an open job application.
At Job Market Finland you can find tips on writing a job application and preparing for a job interview. Have you already looked at open jobs at Job Market Finland or created a job applicant profile?
Read more
A good attitude and networks can be more important than experience
If you do not have work experience yet, emphasise your attitude and enthusiasm. As many employers want to find a person who will fit into their work community and who is willing to learn new things, extensive work experience is not always the most important selection criterion. Your employer is usually prepared to familiarise you with your work tasks and may offer more extensive training.
Networks are also important in working life. You can ask or hear about interesting vacancies from your friends and acquaintances. Many boost their networks during their studies and in employment relationships, voluntary work, and hobbies. You can also grow your networks in various social media services.
Be active during employment
Take any employment relationships including short-term work such as summer jobs or substitute work seriously. When you do your job well, your supervisor will remember you and you might be able to keep getting hired in the future.
Your CV will show your employer if you have worked in the same workplace for several summers in a row, for example. This usually indicates that you have been well-liked and have done your job properly. On the other hand, it is worth remembering that employers can also appreciate diverse experiences gathered from different workplaces.
The following tips help you to ensure that your employer will remember you during your employment relationship:
- Support your co-workers – listening can also help.
- Learn new things and don’t be afraid of change.
- If you notice any shortcomings, you can tell your colleague or supervisor about them.
- Focus on solutions.
- Practise giving and receiving good and constructive feedback.
People aged under 30 receive help from the Youth Guarantee and the One-Stop Guidance Center
If you are aged under 30, you can get help with starting your career from the Youth Guarantee and the One-Stop Guidance Center.
The purpose of the Youth Guarantee is to promote young people's placement in education and the labour market, and to prevent prolonged unemployment and social exclusion.
The One-Stop Guidance Center provides you with help and support in matters related to studying, employment, housing, and well-being. There are approximately 70 One-Stop Guidance Centers located all over Finland, and the operation covers every single region.
The best way is to visit a One-Stop Guidance Center personally, either during the Center’s opening hours or based on agreement. For more information, visit the One-Stop Guidance Center website. Additionally, many One-Stop Guidance Centers are on Facebook and Instagram, and some of them also on YouTube, Snapchat, and Discord.
The One-Stop Guidance Centers employ career guidance officers and case managers as well as social welfare and health care professionals. The services provided by the One-Stop Guidance Centers and the professionals who work in the centres vary slightly between localities. The professionals at the One-Stop Guidance Centers will listen to you and provide you with support for finding a suitable solution.
More information
- Three tips for young people (, in Finnish)
- Information about the Guidance center (, in Finnish)
- Economy and Youth (
- Information about the working life of graduates from the Universities and the Universities of Applied Sciences (töissä.fi)
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