Employment relationship and employment contract

An employment relationship is created when you agree with your future employer on what work you will be doing and what kind of compensation you will receive for your work.

A well-functioning employment relationship is based on a carefully prepared employment contract. The employment contract may be written or verbal, but it is usually a good idea to prepare it in writing so that the terms and conditions of the employment relationship can be easily checked. The employment contract specifies the rights and obligations of both the employer and the employee, so to avoid misunderstandings, the employment contract should be drawn up carefully. 

You can freely agree with your employer on tasks, working hours, pay, and other benefits and conditions, as long as these comply with the law. Labour legislation contains boundary conditions concerning issues such as working hours, workload, and pay. A generally binding collective agreement may also affect the terms and conditions of the employment agreement if one is used in your industry. Legislation and collective agreements aim to ensure your rights as an employee.  

An employment contract is made to be either valid until further notice or for a fixed period. In a fixed-term employment contract, you agree in advance on the end date of the employment relationship. There must always be a valid reason for a fixed-term employment relationship. You can read about when there are grounds for drawing up a fixed-term employment relationship on the website of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 

If you want to ensure that your employment relationship is legal and that your rights are realised, you should read more about the topic.  

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Employment relationships involving those under 18 have special conditions  

If you are a young employee, ask for your employment contract to be made in writing. Make sure that your salary is paid correctly and that you get to take the holidays that you are entitled to.  

If you have reached the age of 15, you may conclude, terminate, and cancel the employment contract yourself. If you are under 15, your guardian’s consent is required for the employment relationship. 

Under the legislation, young people may not be hired for work that could be excessively hard or impede on the young person’s school attendance. The involvement of young people in certain jobs and work tasks is either limited or forbidden entirely. As a result, it is a good idea to get to know the special regulations of the employment relationship so that you know your rights and obligations. 

If you are unsure about your rights, take a look at the Young worker web page on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration website. The One-Stop Guidance Center also provides support and answers to questions related to work. 

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