There will be an outage in the E-services of TE Services from Thursday, October 10 at 4.30 pm to Monday, October 14 at 8 am. During the outage, personal customer and employer E-services will be unavailable and there may be service breaks at Job Market Finland. Logging in to Job Market Finland is also not available during the outage and there may be gaps in the information content and the functionality of the links. We apologise for the inconvenience. Read more.

Instructions and support⁠

Terms of use, privacy and accessibility

The digital entrepreneurship tools comply with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of Job Market Finland. The tools are fully available in three languages: Finnish, Swedish, and English. The service provider is responsible for the accessibility of the service; more information can be found in the accessibility statement.

This page is being updated from October 11th to 14th.

  • 3.9.2019 – release of the first trial version's Terms of Use
  • 28.4.2022 – technical changes related to the production release (removal of the word 'test'), EURES section edits
  • 30.1.2023 – addition of the Job Alerts section
  • 12.8.2024 – addition of the Business plan tool section

These Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) shall govern the beta version of the Job Market Finland (“Service”) produced by the KEHA Centre (“Service Provider”). The Service user (“User”) shall assure that they have read these Terms of Use and undertake to comply with them when using the Service.

The use of the part of Service that requires logging in, requires that the User subscribes to the Service. When subscribing to the Service, the User shall become a customer of the Service Provider and the User’s data is registered in the Job Market Finland customer register.

Service description

In these Terms of Use, Service means the beta version of the Job Market Finland, which is a web service that combines information content and a digital meeting place for job seekers and employees. Job Market Finland is a publicly funded digital service with the objective to connect the requirements of vacancies and the anonymous applicant profiles of job seekers that meet with the requirements, offer information about all situations in work life and introduce services. In addition, it is possible to plan business activities at Job Market Finland using the business plan tool.

The Service Provider aims at producing Service which is as high-grade as possible and shall be responsible for ensuring that the content of the Service complies with the law and good practice. 

The Service Provider shall have all rights (proprietary rights, copyright and other intellectual property rights) relating to the Service. The User shall be granted the access right to the Service in compliance with these Terms of Use, but the User shall not be granted any other rights that relate to the Service.

The content of the User’s access right is defined in these Terms of Use which the User accepts as a binding contract when subscribing to the Service.

Users can choose to have their job applicant profile and job postings displayed in the EU's joint job vacancy service (EURES portal).

User’s rights and liabilities

A prerequisite for using the service is that the User approves the binding Terms of Use.

After accepting the Terms of Use, the User shall undertake

  • to comply with the agreements made with the party that provides the ID and the terms and conditions that relate to the use of the ID (the Service may only be used with the User’s personal ID),
  • to assume responsibility for only providing truthful information that complies with the purpose of the Service, and for not causing any disturbance to others or infringing the rights of other users or the Service Provider by means of the User’s Service use,
  • to assume responsibility for revealing their identity in a situation in which the User, for example, posts links to external services to the Service, and
  • to cover all personal costs that may be caused to them for using the Service (e.g. Internet connection charges, possible phone calls).

The rights that relate to the personal data are described in the Information security and register description.

Information security and register description

If the User is a representative of an organisation the User

  • shall be responsible for any errors or misdemeanours caused by careless use of the authorization and
  • shall be responsible for the truthfulness and appropriateness of the material they enter to the Service and for ensuring that the material does not infringe the good practice, the law (e.g. on the grounds of discrimination or gender) or the authorities’ orders.

Service Provider’s rights and liabilities

The Service Provider shall arrange the Service’s data security in compliance with the common good practice and aim at preventing unauthorised access to their information systems by means of appropriate technical and administrative measures. The User shall assure that they are aware of the fact that the data security of the online environment and network service are not perfect.

The Service Provider shall endeavour at keeping the Service in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but cannot be responsible for the operability of the system and for the interruptions caused by technical errors and maintenance or installation work, for data communications disturbances or for any alteration or loss of data due to these reasons.

The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any costs caused to the User by possible errors of the Service. Furthermore, the Service Provider shall not be responsible for external parties’ material linked to the Service.

Further information about errors in the service (

The Service Provider shall have the right to temporarily interrupt the Service if it is necessary for reasons relating to the Service, technical changes made to it or for updates.

The Service Provider shall be entitled to provide the Service as they see fit and to alter the content of the Service.

The Service Provider shall have the right to delete a profile or job postings that clearly infringes the Terms of Use or creates fault situations. In addition, the Service Provider shall have the right to temporarily prevent Service use in a fault situation. After questioning the User, the Service Provider shall have the right to terminate the User’s access right either permanently or for a fixed term if necessary.

The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the operability or compatibility of the User’s hardware or software with respect to the Service.

The ESCO classification which the Service uses as metadata is still under development and the Service Provider shall not be liable for its operability.

A force majeure shall release the KEHA Centre from its responsibilities that relate to Job Market Finland if it prevents the execution of an operation related to the Service or hinders it unreasonably. Force majeure means any fire, explosion, strike or other work stoppage, order of an authority, data traffic disturbance caused by an external party or other such reason which cannot be reasonably foreseen.

The Service Provider shall be entitled to unilaterally make amendments to or replace these Terms of Use. However, the Service Provider may not alter the Terms of Use such that the use of the Service would become subject to charge. The changes are announced within the Service prior to their entry into force, and after they become valid, they shall bind all users. These Terms of Use shall enter into force on 3 September 2019 and shall remain valid until further notice.

Technical requirements of Service use

The Service ( can be used with a computer that has an Internet browser and Internet connection. The browser must support TLS V1.1 encryption or a newer version, and the use of cookies and JavaScript must be enabled. The Service has been designed and tested to be operable with the most common combinations of browsers and operating systems.

The Service’s operability has been tested with the most common mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, Android phones and tablets, Windows tablet).

The connection will be interrupted and all unsaved data will be lost if more than 30 minutes are spent on the same page. The time limit restarts when the User moves to another page.

By clicking the ‘Log out’ button, you disconnect the safe connection. Please delete your browser history and close all browser windows. Browser software use cache to speed up the use of previously loaded pages. The browser saves the pages you use to your computer’s cache via which they can be accessed by using the browser’s ‘back’ button, for example. Therefore, another person could view them by using the same computer.

The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the availability, performance or operability of data connections. There usability of the Service may be interrupted without prior notice.


The service ( uses cookies. By using cookies, the Service Provider aims at improving the content and usability of the website. 

Cookies are small text files that are saved on the user's computer and collect data on the User’s visit to the website. 

The cookies only save the session’s ID tag. When logging in or out, other data concerning only the login or logout is stored. You cannot log in to the Job Market Finland online service if cookies are disabled. 

The cookies do not save any data that could be used to identifying the users. The cookies do not affect data security and they cannot spread viruses or malware. 

Cookies used at Job Market Finland

Register data and its use

The User of the part of Job Market Finland that requires logging in must provide the necessary information in order to use the Service. The User’s personal data is saved in the Service’s customer register. The Service Provider shall process the User’s personal data in compliance with the Terms of Use, the Service Privacy Statement and the legislation that governs privacy protection.


Use of the Service shall be free of charge for the User and other parties.

Customer communication and direct marketing

The Service Provider shall not be entitled to conduct direct marketing, but the Service Provider and the third party responsible for developing the Service shall have the right to contact the User for matters concerning the Service provided that the User gives explicit consent for the purpose.

Job Alerts

The Job Alert functionality allows the user to subscribe to email notifications of new open jobs matching their chosen search criteria. The use of the functionality does not require logging in. For Job Alerts, the following user data is collected: the user's email address, information about confirming the subscription and accepting the terms of use, and job search information.

A Job Alert is valid for a maximum of 3 months at a time, after which email addresses are deleted from the service's database. The user can also cancel the subscription during its validity, and in such cases the above-mentioned stored data is deleted.

Business plan tool

Starting in August 2024, Job Market Finland offers a business plan tool for companies and people who are planning entrepreneurship. When using the tool, these terms of use apply.

The Service Provider organises the information security of the Service in accordance with general good practices and uses appropriate technical and administrative means to prevent unauthorised access to its information systems. The Service Provider requires that the User does not create critical business information content or business secrets, such as details related to product development, innovation, or patent applications, as part of the content of their business plan, but processes them in the necessary contexts with the help of separate documents or attachments.

We also recommend the user to back up their data themselves. The service allows you to save the business plan in pdf format to your own device at each stage of filling out the plan.

Changing the Terms of Use

The Service Provider constantly develops Job Market Finland which may cause changes to the content of the Service. The Service Provider shall be entitled to amend these Terms of Use after informing of the changes on the Service’s website prior to the changes’ entry into force.

If the User does not accept the new Terms of Use, they shall have the right to stop using the Service and request that their data is removed from the Service.

Applicable legislation

These Terms of Use and the Services referred to in them as well as any agreement concluded concerning the Service shall be governed by Finnish law.

Contact Information

KEHA Centre / Service provider

Information security and register description

Information security and register description

This page is being updated from October 11th to 14th.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council 

  • Issue date 16 May 2018 
  • Updated on 27 August 2019 – Modified in accordance with the new service package 
  • Updated on 12 December 2019 – Added to section 5. "Analytics and feedback system" and supplemented to sections 7 and 11-13
  • Updated 27 November 2020 – Changes to cookies after autumn updates in section 15
  • Updated 19 November 2021 – Added information about EURES profile to section 5
  • Updated 28 April 2022 - Automatic deletion after a year added to section 10.
  • Updated 14 November 2022 – Added information about chatbot to section 5
  • Updated 23 January 2023 – Added information about job alerts to section 5
  • Updated 17 April 2023 – Added updated information about the feedback system to section 5.1
  • Updated 22 June 2023 – Added "country of residence" to section 5
  • Updated 11 October 2023 – Completed section 4 to match legislation, updated sections 7 and 8, and combined sections 8 and 9, so the ordinal numbers of the titles of later sections have been reduced by one

1. Controller 

P.O. Box 1000, FI-50101 Mikkeli, Finland 
+358 295 020 000, 

2. Contact person for matters concerning the register 

Data Protection Officer:

Contacts on matters concerning the register:
P.O. Box 1000, FI-50101 Mikkeli, Finland

3. Name of the register 

Job Market Finland (the Service) 

4. Purpose of personal data processing 

The register data in the information system is used to promote employment and the functioning of the labour market and for statistics. With regard to job seeker profiles, the processing of personal data is based on the controller's statutory obligation. With regard to other data, the processing is based on a statutory obligation or public interest: the processing is necessary and proportionate for the performance of a public interest task by an authority. In addition, data may be processed for archiving, research and statistical purposes in accordance with the public interest and compatible with the aforestated purposes.

5. Register’s data content 

This privacy policy statement applies only to the functions and data of the 'My Job Path' section of the Job Market Finland online service. You can find more information about the processing of personal data related to the services of public employment and business services, i.e., the functions of the 'E-services' section of Job Market Finland, in the privacy policy statement for the E-services.

With regard to private customers, the data recorded in the Service register is based on the data retrieved from the Population Information System and the data provided by the customer. 

With regard to employer customers, the data is based on the Business Information System and partly on the data provided by the employer or the employer's representative. 

The following information concerning identified private customers will be stored: 

  • personal identification data: personal identity code, name, email address, phone number 
  • data concerning education, work experience and expertise 
  • transaction data time stamps 
  • country of residence

The following information concerning identified employer customers or their representatives will be stored: 

  • personal identification data: personal identity code, name, email address, phone number 
  • the information recorded in the job posting by the employer customer 
  • basic information concerning the organisation and the customisable marketing data  

In both cases, the following is stored for the duration of the log in session: 

  • authorisation data 

In addition, the following information is stored concerning users who publish their profile on the EURES portal:

  • gender
  • country of residence
  • working languages
  • citizenship

The job postings, including the information content, are transferred from the customer information system of the Employment and Economic Development Office to the Service.   

The Service user is responsible for the correctness of data they have supplied themselves. 

5.1 Analytics and feedback system

The Job Market Finland service uses the Matomo analytics tool to collect statistical data. Examples of such data include:

  • the number of visitors on the services website
  • terminal devices which have been used to access the service
  • web addresses from which visitors to the services originate
  • individual pages that visitors have viewed.

The data collected by the analytics tool never includes the person's name, social security number, or other similar identifying data. The IP address collected by Matomo is also encrypted so that the user cannot be identified. In addition, Job Market Finland does not use this data to attempt to identify individual website visitors. If the user has configured "Do Not Track" in the web browser, the analytics tool will not collect or monitor browsing data. 

In addition, the service may save contact details given by the user – usually email address – if the user leaves feedback. Feedback is used to improve the service, and non-mandatory contact information can be given if the user wishes to receive a response for their feedback. Feedback and contact data are removed from the feedback system every 12 months.

5.2 Chatbot

The chat history of the chatbot operating on the Job Market stores the keywords and phrases entered by the customer. No personal data is stored in conversations, the app anonymizes conversations automatically. Discussions will be kept in the system for 180 days.

5.3 Job alerts

The Job Alert functionality allows the user to subscribe to email notifications of new open jobs matching their chosen search criteria. The use of the functionality does not require logging in. For Job Alerts, the following user data is collected:

  • the user's email address,
  • information about confirming the subscription and accepting the terms of use, and
  • job search information.

A Job Alert is valid for a maximum of 3 months at a time, after which email addresses are deleted from the service's database. The user can also cancel the subscription during its validity, and in such cases the above-mentioned stored data is deleted.

6. Regular sources of information 

With regard to private customers, the data recorded in the Service register is based on the data retrieved from the Population Information System and the data provided by the customer.

With regard to employer customers, the data is based on the Business Information System and partly on the data provided by the employer or the employer's representative.

As data sources, the register uses the data resources and services connected to the Service: 

  • identification (Population Information System, requires the data subject’s consent) 
  • e-Authorizations (Business Information System) 
  • customer data system of the Employment and Economic Development Office  
  • data provided by the User 

7. Regular disclosures of data 

Personal data or other information in the service will not be disclosed to an authority or other body without the consent of the user or a party authorised by the user or without the right to obtain information as defined in legislation.

However, the data recorded in the service can be utilised without the separate consent of the Service user in scientific studies, statistics or other official investigations. The KEHA-Centre grants a separate authorisation for the disclosure of data for these purposes. In the aforementioned contexts, the processing and publication of data is always carried out in such a way that individual users cannot be identified or individualised from statistics or research results.

8. Transferring data outside of the EU or the EEA 

The data is stored in the EU/EEA area on a cloud server that is protected by physical and software protection by, for example, encrypting the databases and data communication. We restrict access to systems and databases containing personal data to the appointed persons who have an essential work-related need and the right to process the personal data in question.

The Service uses secure connections, and the users are identified (using strong identification).

9. Data storage period  

The data will be stored for a year from the time the user last logged in or until the user deletes the account or requests the controller to delete the account. This retention period does not apply to the retention periods of personal data followed in the public employment and business services, i.e., in the 'E-services' section of Job Market Finland, which you can read more about in the privacy policy statement for the E-services.

10. Right to review 

The registered person has the right to check the data stored in the personal data file. You can check the data under “My information” in the “My own pages” section (the Account Manager tab). Preferably, you should inspect the data yourself. It is also possible to submit an inspection request by e-mail to: tyomarkkinatori.keha(at)

11. Right to demand rectification of data 

Data subjects shall be entitled to demand for rectification of erroneous data in the register. If you do not succeed in correcting the data on your own, a request for rectification should be sent by e-mail to: tyomarkkinatori.keha(at)

12. Right to erasure 

Data subjects shall be entitled to erase their personal data in the register or to demand for personal data in the register to be deleted. Primarily, the data subjects delete the information themselves under "My Data" in the "My Pages" section ("Manage My Account” window). This removes the data from the service immediately upon deletion. Users may also forward a request to delete data by e-mail to: tyomarkkinatori.keha(at) In this case, the data will be erased within 30 days of the request. No separate verification of the erasure will be provided.  

13. Other rights related to the processing of personal data 

Personal data are neither used nor disclosed for the purpose of direct advertising, distance marketing or other directing marketing, market and opinion research, registers of individuals, or genealogies. 

14. Cookies 

Cookies are used in the Service. A cookie is a small text file, sent to the user's computer and stored in the computer, that enables the service to identify frequent visitors to a website, facilitate the login process of visitors to a website, and enable the preparation of combined data on visitors. Cookies do not cause any damage to users’ computers or files. When cookies are used, customised information and services can be provided to the users of the Service depending on their needs. 

If you do not want to allow cookies, you may block cookies from the banner appearing at the bottom of the site or from your Internet browser settings. Some cookies are necessary for the functioning of the service and for this reason, the use of the service requires accepting them. However, the user can block the use of cookies related to analytics.

Read more about the use of cookies in Job Market Finland:

15. Log data 

Log files are compiled on the use of the Service that contain event rows related to data security and the operation of the service. Data stored in the log file does not contain information saved by the user; the only stored user data are the user ID and IP address. Data in the log file are only used for investigating any disruptions in the Service and possible data security threats and violations. Access to the log data is only permitted to persons who participate in the resolving of the above-mentioned issues. 

16. Notifications and complaints concerning the processing of personal data 

If necessary, a user can lodge a complaint or appeal with the Data Protection Ombudsman concerning the processing of their personal data.

This page is being updated from October 11th to 14th.

This accessibility statement applies to the www.työ online service and was prepared on 2.5.2022. The service is subject to the Act on the Provision of Digital Services, which requires that public online services must be accessible.

This leaflet is based on a third party assessment of whether the website meets the requirements of the EU directive 2016/2102.

The online service will be renewed and expanded from 14 October 2024. In this update, some detected problems will be corrected and the accessibility statement will be updated.

How accessible is the website?

This online service has been published on 2.5.2022 and it partly meets the A and AA level accessibility criteria required by law (WCAG criteria 2.1). The online service has some shortcomings in accessibility, which are described in more detail below. The issues will be remedied as soon as possible, but no later than by the end of 2024.

Did you notice any gaps in accessibility?

We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of the online service. If you observe any issues that are not described on this page, please let us know and we will do our best to fix any shortcomings.

You can contact us by sending an email to

Accessibility monitoring

If you notice issues with accessibility on the site, please first provide feedback to us, the webmaster. The response can take 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the response you have received or you do not receive a response at all within two weeks, you can give feedback to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The website of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland provides detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter will be processed. 

Contact information of the supervisory authority

  • Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
  • Accessibility supervision unit
  • (in Finnish and Swedish only)
  • saavutettavuus(at)
  • tel. +358 (0)295 016 000 (switchboard)

Further information on accessibility

Our web service is not yet completely accessible.

The following content or functions of Job Market Finland are not yet accessible.

  • The web service contains images that do not have an appropriate text equivalent. (WCAG 1.1.1) 
  • Some videos do not have a description or other alternative presentation. (WCAG 1.2.3, 1.2.5) 
  • The order in which the content is read and the order in which the focus progresses are sometimes inconsistent. (WCAG 1.3.2, 2.4.3) 
  • Certain interface components are not accessible on the keyboard. (WCAG 2.1.1) 
  • In some parts of the web service, the page title does not get updated to describe the main content of the page. (WCAG 2.4.2)  
  • The web service contains inaccurate and repeated link texts. (WCAG 2.4.4) 
  • The web service contains some content texts whose language is not appropriately marked. (WCAG 3.1.2) 
  • The user’s cursor moves unexpectedly in certain UI components. (WCAG 3.2.1) 
  • The names, roles and functionalities of certain UI components are not programmatically fully understandable and are partly in English. In addition, certain visual groupings are not interpreted with assistive technologies. (WCAG 1.3.1, 4.1.2) 
  • There are errors in the technical implementation that may also affect the operation of assistive technologies. (WCAG 4.1.1)  
  • Not all changes in the view, such as error messages, are reported with assistive technologies. (WCAG 4.1.3) 

There are also contents and functions at Job Market Finland that are not covered by legislation, such as

  • content published in the service by users or other third parties that is not produced, funded, or controlled by the service provider itself,
  • maps not intended for navigation purposes,
  • office programme files (such as DOC, PDF, ODT) published before 23 September 2018,
  • online content archived before 23 September 2019,
  • live video or audio broadcasts that are not saved for preservation or republication, and
  • video or audio recordings published before 23 September 2020.

The instructional content of the job posting interfaces in the ‘For developers’ section is currently in PDF format and is not accessible. The content will be produced in an accessible format during the spring of 2023. The content is technical, and its target group is more limited than other content on the site.

More information