On-the-job learning

If you learn best on the job, that could be a good way for you to get a degree or develop your competence.

Learn a job in the workplace with an apprenticeship

An apprenticeship training agreement is a form of fixed-term employment based on a contract between you, a training provider, and an employer. The training provider implements the contractual arrangements and is responsible for drafting the curriculum in collaboration with the other parties.

It is possible to complete any upper secondary vocational degree or parts of it via apprenticeship training. In other words, it allows you to learn a job in the workplace, gain new skills, and develop work experience. You can complement your apprenticeship with theoretical studies at an educational institution. In most cases apprenticeship training is free and the employer will pay you in accordance with the applicable collective agreement.

If you already have a job, ask your employer if you could undertake apprenticeship training at your current workplace. 

If you are not working yet, you need to find a job on your own to start your apprenticeship. You can browse the job postings at Job Market Finland for open apprenticeship positions or directly contact employers you are interested in. If you are registered as an unemployed job seeker, you should contact your assigned service specialist at your office to find out if you are entitled to a pay subsidy for the duration of your apprenticeship. When you have secured a position where you can complete your apprenticeship, contact the closest apprenticeship operator.

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Use a pay subsidy to find employment you are not yet fully qualified for

If you find it challenging to find employment because you are missing some of the required areas of competence, you may be able to find a job with a pay subsidy. This allows you to develop your professional competence while working.

Ask your assigned service specialist in the employment services if you are entitled to a pay subsidy. If yes, you can contact employers you are interested in and tell them they may be granted a pay subsidy if they hire you.

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An internship allows you to put theory into practice

An internship is a vital part of studies in most vocational education and training programmes and universities of applied sciences. Some university degrees may include an internship, as well. 

Interning allows you to put theory into practice in the workplace. By studying in a real working environment, you develop your competence and learn to apply your knowledge and skills. Meanwhile, you can also get to know an employer you might be interested in. You should take some time to choose where you want to intern, as it could be an important decision for your future career.

Test if a field is the right fit for you by doing a work try-out

If you are unemployed or working part-time and would like to find out if a specific field is the right fit for you, or what kind of tasks a certain profession involves, you can apply for a work try-out. This involves trying out tasks that are new to you.

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