Handling official matters and registering as a job seeker
You can register as a job seeker in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. If you become unemployed or are laid off, register as a job seeker as soon as possible.
You can find employment services, like registering as a job seeker, in the 'E-services' section.
You can register as a job seeker before your unemployment or lay-off begins, but do so no later than on your first day of unemployment, because you can only receive unemployment benefits from the registration date.
You can identify yourself at Job Market Finland with online banking credentials, a mobile certificate, or a chip-based ID card. If you cannot identify yourself in these ways or you are not a citizen of an EU or EEA member state, you can register as a job seeker in your regional employment service office.
On Job Market Finland's regional pages you can read more about the transfer of employment services to municipalities and how you should handle matters in the future. The regional pages also contain contact information provided by employment officials.
Browse regional services
If you are applying for unemployment security, after starting your job search, you will receive a labour policy statement on your right to unemployment security. You can see the statements given to you in the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. Unemployment benefits are only paid for the time you are an unemployed job seeker. Your entitlement to unemployment security is influenced by many factors. Read more about them in the 'Unemployment security' section.
If you have participated in labour market training or been employed on a pay subsidy and become unemployed again, register as a job seeker.
Read more
- Unemployment security
- The rights and responsibilities of unemployed job seekers
- Services and integration plan for immigrants
Agree on further services with your assigned service specialist
When you start your job search, you will agree with your assigned employment service specialist on how your customer relationship will progress with employment services.
You can contact your service specialist via the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland. There you can also view all your open tasks.
In the ‘E-services' section of Job Market Finland you can
- view your employment plan that entails your agreed job search obligations, i.e. tasks that promote your employment, and mark them as completed by the due dates,
- view your own information related to your unemployment security, such as statements and open requests for clarification,
- update the changes in your job search situation or inform of employment,
- maintain your contact information, and
- submit a contact request to your service specialist.
Read more
- Initial interview and job search discussions
- Employment plan
- Handling matters in the employment services
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