When unemployed, you have plenty of different possibilities to develop your competence or try something completely new. If you are registered as an unemployed job seeker, it is important to always contact your assigned employment service specialist before starting your studies.
You may be entitled to receive an unemployment benefit during your studies under certain conditions. Before you start your studies, your assigned service specialist at your regional employment service office will assess whether you meet the conditions for the unemployment benefit, so contact them as early as possible. If you are an unemployed job seeker, it is important to remember to notify your service specialist of all studies before starting them. Notifications are required for all studies, even if you do not receive student financial aid.
Labour market training
Vocational labour market training allows you to complete a vocational qualification, a further or a specialist vocational qualification, or a vocational qualification module. Further or continuing education is also provided in many sectors. Vocational labour market training is free of charge, and it is provided at vocational adult education centres, higher education institutions, and private educational institutions.
If you plan to start your own business or are considering it, you can take part in entrepreneur training organised in the form of labour market training. Starting a business can be flexibly combined with entrepreneur training.
If you wish to develop your competence during unemployment and you are over the age of 25, find out more about options for independent study. The term ‘independent study’ refers to education provided by an educational institution, which is also responsible for the student selection. The studies are not provided by employment services. The studies must be agreed upon with your assigned employment service specialist.
Short-term study supported by unemployment benefit
If you are over the age of 25, you have previously interrupted studies just short of a degree, or you wish to take a short complementary course, it may be possible for you to study short-term on the unemployment benefit. The studies can last up to six months.
Studying part-time
Studies which do not prevent you from working full-time and applying for full-time employment are considered part-time studies. They can consist of learning a new skill, completing basic studies at an open educational institution, or completing previously interrupted studies leading up to a degree.
Independent study is an option for the integration training provided by employment services. Independent study is useful if the employment official cannot offer you a place in integration training or you can find some other training that is better suited to your needs. Sometimes independent study can help you find work and integrate faster. The studies must be in Finnish or Swedish. If the studies are included in social orientation, they may be in your native language.
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