Assessment of service needs
When you are a job seeker in the employment services, you will take part in an individual service need assessment.
Your service needs are assessed regularly in the initial interview, job search discussions and supplementary job search discussions as well as in connection with the updating of your employment plan.
The assessment will determine what services you need, what possible employment options you have based on your skills, and what suitable job openings are available to you.
The assessment will take into account
- your skills and professional qualifications as well as your own goals for developing them,
- your work and functional capacity that affects your job search and employment,
- your job search skills,
- the likelihood of becoming unemployed and prolonging unemployment, and
- other things that affect your employment.
In addition, your skills acquired through hobbies, for example, and your own wishes and goals will be taken into account in the assessment.
The assessment will identify any gaps in your skills and the best ways to acquire new skills.
Read more
- Initial interview and job search discussions
- Employment plan
- Services and integration plan for immigrants
More information
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