Error situations may still occur in the 'E-services' section at Job Market Finland due to the update. If you are unable to process an official matter due to an error, please contact your local Employment authority. Matters left unhandled due to error situations can be corrected afterwards. Read more

Instructions and support⁠

Business E-services

Job Market Finland helps you with recruitment and in different situations of your company.

Support for recruitment

When you publish a job posting, you will receive suggestions of suitable job seekers.

  • Create a job posting for an open job.
  • You will receive recommendations on suitable job seekers.
  • When you publish a job posting on the EURES portal, you can find international skilled workers.
Log in

E-services of TE Services for companies and employers

For the time being, the employer's handling of matters with employment officials is done in the E-services of TE Services. Using the E-services, you can leave a contact request, apply for a pay subsidy, and make a payment application. These services will be moved to Job Market Finland during the spring of 2025.


Find a suitable job seeker

You can browse published job applicant profiles and search for a suitable worker using various search criteria.

Current issues