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Job Market Finland in numbers

Job Market Finland publishes key figures and other information related to the use of Job Market Finland every month.

The data was last updated on March 25, 2025.

There are 44 495 published job applicant profiles and 18 063 open vacancies on Job Market Finland

When a user creates a job applicant profile, they receive job suggestions of suitable job openings for their skills at Job Market Finland.

When the user also publishes their job applicent profile, employers can contact them directly. A profile can be published for a maximum of six months at a time, so it should be republished at least every six months.

Have you already created your profile? Remember that a published job applicant profile needs to be republished every six months.

Sign in and create or publish a profile

The Vacancies section was visited 655 948 times in February

Did you know that on Job Market Finland you can browse vacancies even without creating a job applicant profile?

Looking for a job? Go to search open vacancies

Job Market Finland had 1 404 269 visits last month

The most visited pages for personal customers on Job Market Finland were

The most visited pages for employers and entrepreneurs on Job Market Finland were

The most popular search terms in content searches were

  • Todistus
  • starttiraha
  • Todistus työttömyydestä

The countries from which Job Market Finland was visited the most were

  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Great Britain

You can find the services available for personal customers, as well as for employers and entrepreneurs, on the Job Market Finland front page. Also, explore the Search function.

The most-read news articles in January

The most read news articles were

You can find the Job Market Finland news on the Current Issues page.

Current issues

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