KEHA Centre’s Tasks in the Natural Product Collection Sector

KEHA Centre monitors compliance with the requirements for operators in the natural product sector, as stated in Sections 5 and 7 of the Act on the Legal Status of Foreigners Collecting Natural Products. KEHA Centre is also responsible for the national specialisation task related to foreign berry and wild product pickers in Finland.

Together with the occupational safety authorities, KEHA Centre provides guidance to foreign pickers and sector operators on the application of Sections 4–7 of the Act, on the authorities’ responsibilities, and directs individuals to the competent authority when necessary.

KEHA Centre issues the decision on the reliability of natural product sector operators. The decision is granted upon application and is valid for one year at a time. KEHA Centre monitors compliance with the prohibitions on withholding pickers’ earnings and charging fees, and issues statements to embassies or occupational safety authorities upon request.

KEHA Centre’s specialisation task for foreign natural product pickers does not include job placement services. If you are looking for seasonal or other open positions, check out Vacancies.

The occupational safety authority monitors compliance with the law when the responsibility does not fall under another competent authority. The authority supervises, for example, that the rights of pickers are respected, that operators fulfill their obligations, and conducts inspection visits to pickers’ base camps.

The occupational safety authority also monitors natural product collection carried out in an employment relationship.

Operators in the natural product sector must notify the occupational safety authority in advance of the locations of pickers’ base camps. If the location changes during the picking season, a new advance notification must be submitted. The notification is made via:

More information is available on the occupational safety authority’s website:

and by email:
