Availability of labour and labour market matching
The report on availability of labour and labour market matching allows you to familiarise yourself with the development of the labour market in different industries and occupations at the regional level.
What does the report contain?
The report provides you with, for example, a list of labour shortage occupations in your region. You can also examine which occupations have oversupply of labour or which occupations have a labour market mismatch, that is, a situation in which there is a high demand for labour, but unemployment is still high. The report also contains information on the wage levels of different occupations and the characteristics of vacancies.
You can use different graphical presentations, such as map charts, Beveridge curves, occupation listings and bar charts.
The report combines information on the employment, unemployment, labour force, vacancies and wages of different occupations. The data are collected from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland’s Employment Service Statistics and Statistics Finland’s employment statistics, job vacancy survey statistics, structure of earnings statistics and Incomes Register wages and fees statistics. The report contains data combined from different registers from July 2014 onwards.
Support and questions
Technical questions
KEHA Centre, Mylly technical support: mylly.tekninentuki@ely-keskus.fi
Questions related to the report
KEHA Centre, Tiedolla johtaminen: tietopalvelu.keha@ely-keskus.fi
Data sources
- Employment Service Statistics 1910. Monthly data of job seeker clients (complete data set)
- Employment Service Statistics 2910. Monthly data on vacancies (complete data set)
- Employed labour force, Statistics Finland, separately commissioned data set
- Wage data, Statistics Finland, separately commissioned data set
- Incomes Register data, Statistics Finland, separately commissioned data set
- Standard Industrial Classification OEF’s grouping of industries
- Region-municipality classification (Statistics Finland)
- Classification of Occupations (Statistics Finland)
'Availability of labour and labour market matching' report, KEHA Centre
Updating the data
The data is updated monthly on the publication date of the Employment Service Statistics. The updating times of separately commissioned data sets vary.