Picking of natural products

The collection of wild berries in Finland is an activity of national economic significance. In terms of financial value, the wild berry sector forms the most substantial part of the entire natural products industry. The systematic arrival of foreign (Thai) berry pickers to Finland began in 2005. Foreign berry picking activities take place across Finland, excluding Southwest Finland (Varsinais-Suomi) and the most populated region, Uusimaa. Foreign pickers collect natural products in Finland under the public right of access ("Everyman’s Right") from July until September–October.

The amended Act on the Legal Status of Foreigners Collecting Natural Products entered into force on January 1, 2025. As a result of the amendment, the responsibilities under the Act were transferred to KEHA Centre.

KEHA Centre is responsible for nationwide coordination and guidance related to the collection of natural products, as well as for tasks assigned to it under the Act on the Legal Status of Foreigners Collecting Natural Products.

The Act on the Legal Status of Foreigners Collecting Natural Products, which entered into force on June 14, 2021, regulates the rights of natural product pickers, the obligations of operators in the natural product sector, the monitoring of compliance, and the consequences of non-compliance.

Act on the Legal Status of Foreigners Collecting Natural Products 487/2021 (finlex.fi, in Finnish)

  • Strengthens the legal status of natural product pickers and defines company responsibilities more clearly and bindingly than before
  • Improves income opportunities for pickers and promotes fair competition between companies
  • Supports sustainable growth and internationalisation in the natural product collection sector

On January 1, 2025, the Act amending the Act on the Legal Status of Foreigners Collecting Natural Products entered into force. As a result, the tasks previously assigned to the TE Office under the Act were transferred to the KEHA Centre.

The Act on the Legal Status of Foreigners Collecting Natural Products does not apply to collection carried out in an employment relationship. In such cases, labour legislation applies. The Collective Agreement for Agricultural and Rural Industries may be applied to natural product collection under employment.

The commercial use of Finland’s wild berries, mushrooms, and plants is made possible by Everyman’s Rights – the right to collect berries, mushrooms, and herbs from nature without special permission. The Berry Act applies to natural products that may be gathered under Everyman’s Rights without the landowner’s consent.

More information about Everyman’s Rights can be found on the website maintained by Metsähallitus:


Postal address
Development and Administration Centre for ELY Centres (KEHA Centre)
P.O. Box 1000, FI-50101 Mikkeli, Finland
