Employer interviews

In early 2025, a digital report will be published on this page to analyse the recruitment challenges of different regions and industries and themes related to labour demand. The application is based on employer interviews conducted by Statistics Finland.

The application provides information on jobs that have encountered labour shortages or recruitment difficulties and the number of employees who have not been hired due to recruitment issues for each ELY Centre area. The application also lists the causes of labour shortage issues and plans for increasing or reducing the number of personnel at establishments.

A panel layout is used in the data collection of the underlying material. The data are collected through online surveys and telephone interviews.

The application will be published between February and March 2025.

Data collection in 2024

  • First quarter: March–April
  • Second quarter: June–July
  • Third quarter: September–October
  • Fourth quarter: December–January

The annual sample size is approximately 10,000 establishments, with the sample size for each quarter consisting of approximately 2,500 establishments. The results are weighted retrospectively by increasing the estimated numbers to the whole establishment framework's level.

The sample used in the Työvoimapalvelut ja Avoimet työpaikat (Employment Services and Job Openings) survey is extracted from Statistics Finland’s Register of Enterprises and Establishments. Establishments must have at least one hired employee to participate in the survey.

Size and industry groups are used in categorising the sample. The regional dimension is taken into account so that the sample framework is sorted according to establishment location. The annual sample is extracted from the sorted data by systematic random sampling according to the relative industry share from each size class.

The share of the smallest establishments employing one to four people is 20 per cent, the share of establishments employing five to nine and 10 to 49 people is 30 per cent, and the share of establishments employing at least 50 people is 20 per cent. In the sample, about half of the establishments are old and about half are new.
