National One-Stop Guidance Center Youth Feedback 2024
The One-Stop Guidance Centers carried out a national feedback survey between 2 and 19 April 2024.
The survey received responses from 49 One-Stop Guidance Centers (70% of all One-Stop Guidance Centers, with the total number of Centers being 70 in spring 2024). The feedback was requested from young people who used on-site and/or remote services (phone or online). The responses were collected from a total of 914 young people, most of whom had visited on-site (94%).
The young people were asked to assess their latest visit, and their assessments were very positive. Their grade for the guidance they received was high, with an average of 9.37 (on a scale of 4 to 10). Based on the young people’s experiences, the guidance they received was very successful when assessed through the statements presented below. They were asked to rate the guidance on a 5-point scale, with 1 meaning “Strongly disagree” and 5 meaning “Strongly agree”.
- “The counsellor listened to my thoughts and wishes”: average 4.80
- “During the guidance, I was allowed to participate in the decision-making process for decisions that concerned me”: average 4.74
- “I received the information and support I needed”: average 4.66
- “My plans for the future became clearer”: average 4.23
- “I feel more confident about finding a job or a place to study”: average 4.21
The development suggestions (220 open feedback) were divided into neutral (36) and positive (90) feedback as well as actual development suggestions (79). Of the actual development suggestions (22), most wished for the preservation of and an increase in One-Stop Guidance Center services. The other development suggestions were related to the Center’s premises, food options, and opening hours, and they also included requests for e.g. more events and communications.
The young people were also asked to report about their personal satisfaction. The young people who responded to the survey were fairly satisfied with their lives, with an average of 7.44 (on a scale of 4 to 10).
Based on the background analyses, it was determined that the higher the overall grade given to the guidance, the more positively the statements describing the guidance were also assessed. The overall grade for the guidance was linked to the respondents’ satisfaction with their own lives – those who were most satisfied (grade 10) also gave the most positive grades to the guidance. On the other hand, those who were most dissatisfied with their lives (grades 4–5) also gave poorer grades to the guidance they received. There were two exceptions to this trend: young people without a final comprehensive school certificate were more critical of the guidance they received while also being more satisfied with their lives. Secondary school graduates, on the other hand, gave more positive grades to the guidance than others while also being more dissatisfied with their lives. More detailed information on the background analyses is available in the One-Stop Guidance Center Youth Feedback 2024 report and the tables attached to it.
The One-Stop Guidance Center Youth Feedback 2024 report was published for the first time on 20 June 2024 on the KEHA Centre’s website, as well as on xx February 2025 on Job Market Finland.
If you have any questions about the national One-Stop Guidance Center Youth Feedback 2024 report, please send an email to the KEHA Centre at
One-Stop Guidance Center Youth Feedback 2024 report (PDF, in Finnish)