Rehabilitative work activities

If you are thinking about returning back to the workforce, starting your career or undergoing rehabilitation for an illness or difficult period in your life, rehabilitative work activities can help you get back on track with your career.  

The purpose of rehabilitative work activities is to assist individuals whose unemployment has been prolonged, who have received unemployment benefits or basic social assistance for a certain time period, and who are unable to participate in the services offered by the TE Office or local government pilot projects.

Rehabilitative work activities are arranged by your wellbeing service county to help you get back into working life. They can help you discover your strengths and provide structure for your daily life.  

It can include workshops arranged by a society or a foundation, or activities arranged by a congregation. Wellbeing service counties can also provide the service themselves. Their purpose is to improve your opportunities for finding employment or educational opportunities, and to provide you with tips for managing your daily life.   

The number and types of activities are determined on a case-by-case basis. The period lasts at least three months with 1-4 sessions every week. During the rehabilitative work activity period, you will receive €9 per day as an unemployment benefit and expense allowance. You may also be occasionally entitled to travel compensation.   

To participate in rehabilitative work activities, you will need an activation plan. Draft your plan together with your TE Office or local government pilot and the social services of your wellbeing service county. If you wish to participate in rehabilitative work activities, you should start by contacting the TE Office of your residential area.

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