Instructions and support⁠

Entrepreneurship tools

We have published tools at Job Market Finland that will help you in different stages and situations of entrepreneurship. On this page, you can find information about tools and services that guide you forward in your entrepreneurial journey.

Create a business plan

Our tool helps you, for example, plan and push your business idea forward, reflect on your operations from different perspectives, and plan what it means to become an international business or an employer.

You can also use versatile financial calculations to examine the profitability of your business activities or business idea and create a business plan that fits your start-up grant application. A business plan can also help a company with financial difficulties.

Entrepreneurship tests

Entrepreneurship tests are a lightweight way to examine the readiness of your business idea, your suitability as an entrepreneur or the conditions for internationalisation of an active company. You can take the tests without logging in, and downloading the results is easy.

The use of the My Enterprise Finland service ended on 19.11.2024.

The use of the My Enterprise Finland service ended on 19.11.2024. You can find the renewed business plan tool and entrepreneurship tests on Job Market Finland.

Guidance services for employers and entrepreneurs

Enterprise Finland Advisory Service help you in different situations of being an employer and entrepreneur.