TE service pilot Botnia Job
In order to improve service processes and to promote access to employment and education for persons with partial work ability, the following measures are taken in the area of TE Office of Ostrobothnia:
- Urapolku - Karriärstigen -project (Vaasan Setlementtiyhdistys Ry, beginning 08/2021)
- Askel työelämään – (Härmän Kuntoutus Oy, beginning 08/2021). Service has promised to be given also in English.
- Osaamiskartoitus (Oy EduVamia Ab, beginning 08/2021)
- Pay subsidy and support for improvement in working conditions as a support of employment
The services are primarily provided in Finnish and Swedish, inquiries about services in English and other additional information, please contact:
Milja Ittonen
Työkykykoordinaattori |samordnare för arbetsförmågan |A work ability coordinator
Pohjanmaan työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto | Österbottens arbets- och näringsbyrå | TE Office of Ostrobothnia