Guest blogger: Better results through modern recruitment
Companies struggle with the number of applicants, either there are too many or too few. Applicants struggle with rigid systems and ghosting companies. Recruiters follow social media on their toes - will there be uproar in social media related to an applicant experience? Recruitment has become visible and changes in applicants' requirements have shaped the attitudes companies take towards recruitment. It is no longer just about finding the right person, but about the attractiveness of the company as a whole.

In modern recruitment, the applicant is at the centre of everything and they are a customer. Investing in the applicant experience and applicant-oriented activities are the foundation of modern recruitment. It always takes two, in other words, the applicant must also buy job they have applied for and the company. It is important to understand the target group, how they should be addressed and where they are best reached. The recruiting company must be able to clearly respond to why the person has to come to work for them, in particular.
It all starts with an initial assessment
At the beginning, it is important to identify the true need, i.e. what is being sought. What competence must the applicant have and what can be taught or trained along the way. When you are clear about what you are looking for and where, it is much easier to address the right target group and identify potential applicants. It is also important to clarify the stages and timetable of the recruitment process, so that it can be easily communicated to applicants.
The job, in turn, is like a product or service that you want to market so that it reaches the right target group in the best possible way. The job must attract applicants, so it is important to put into words what the person will get, what the job is really like and what is expected of the person. The applicant should be able to identify whether they are suitable for the position after reading the job advertisement. A good job advertisement is eliminating, and the aim is to attract high-quality applicants, not just a great number of applicants.
Easy application and the significance of applicant communication
Applying for a vacancy has been made as easy as possible and it can be done by mobile phone, for example. The applicant is immediately informed that the application has been received and the message contains more information on the process and contact details for further information. Throughout the recruitment process, applicant communication is active, up-to-date and personalised. The applicant always knows what is happening and what to expect. High-quality communication commits the applicant and the way it is managed creates an impression of the way the entire company operates for the applicant. It is important to remember that every applicant is valuable, and all applicants should be kept informed, also those who do not make it further the process.
Matching hopes?
The interview is more of a discussion that weighs the compatibility of the applicant with the job as well as the company. The atmosphere is relaxed and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions and to consider whether they will buy the job and the company. It is a good idea to involve future team members in the discussion, as it is important to know whom you will be working with. It is important to remember that it is a two-way street. A good interview will increase the applicant's enthusiasm for the job, provide additional information and leave the applicant with a clear picture of how everything will proceed.
Why modern recruitment?
With modern recruitment, you can reach the relevant persons for the job and attract them to apply for the job. The quality of applicants will improve and they will be more committed to the recruitment process and the company. The number of error recruitments will decrease as you genuinely know what you are applying for and discussion is open and mutual. Well-managed recruitment is always positive marketing from the point of view of the employer image and will also help attract good applicants in the future.
If you do not have enough hands to create a high-quality applicant experience and implement modern recruitment, I recommend that you contact professionals. Recruitment professionals understand genuine needs, can envisage the best means and channels for recruitment and, above all, identify potential applicants.
Wilma Vilen
Head of Recruitment
Choice HR
Choice HR services can be found through Job Market Finland, as Choice HR is part of Job Market Finland’s partner network.