Circular economy-and-automation-know-how for machine shops


The project will provide training for both staff and production personnel. The training for officers will strengthen their skills in identifying the environmental impacts of machine shops, life cycle thinking, understanding the business of the circular economy, measuring environmental impacts and reporting to customers. The training for production staff aims to promote the knowledge and adoption of automation in machine shops.

For whom?

  • for students in the field
  • for people at risk of unemployment?
  • people in employment
  • those outside the labour market
  • businesses

Main sectors of the project

Mechanical and production engineering, metallurgy

Theme of the project

The project trains machine centre operators in software skills, aiming to raise the skills level of workers in machining companies. The project will also develop the skills of operators in redesigning production processes.

What you do when participating in the project’s activities?

You will take part in Kainuu Vocational College's SECLE-based smart training courses, where you will learn new methods that you can use in your work.

Funder and implementer

Finnish National Agency for Education’s (EDUFI), SECLE and Kainuu Vocational College

Project operating time

16.12.2022 – 31.12.2025

Further information and contact

Arto Schroderus, teacher, 040 152 2332,

Kiertotalous- ja automaatio-osaamista konepajoille (