Instruction package for employers on the overall process of obtaining a residence permit for an employee
The instruction package ’Coming to Finland for work: Residence permit process and moving to Finland from the employer’s perspective’ provides employers with clear instructions on how to apply for an employee's residence permit and move to Finland.

Work in Finland (WiF) offers support for international recruitment nationwide. Managed by Business Finland and the KEHA Centre, Work in Finland is responsible for producing international recruitment services nationwide and supports international recruitment expertise in employment areas.
Instruction package to support international recruitment
Work in Finland and the Finnish Immigration Service have produced an instruction package entitled ‘Coming to Finland for work: Residence permit process and moving to Finland from the employer’s perspective’ for employers who want to hire an employee from abroad and need guidance on how to start the process. The package is aimed at employers with a Finnish business ID. Small and medium-sized companies in particular have been in need of clear instructions to support a successful recruitment process and applying for an employee's residence permit.
The instruction package guides you step by step through the process of applying for a residence permit for an employee (TTOL) and moving to Finland. It provides a concise description of the process from start to finish. The package also includes contact information for, for example, Work in Finland's employer advice service, which you can contact if you have any questions.
The instruction package is available in PDF format for easy printing or saving to your browser's bookmarks.
The instruction package is available in Finnish, Swedish, and English. The Finnish Immigration Service has made the translations, and the package can be found in different languages on the Finnish Immigration Service's website. You can also access them via the links.
- Coming to Finland for work: residence permit process and moving to Finland from the employer's perspective (, pdf)
- Töihin Suomeen – työntekijän oleskelulupaprosessi ja Suomeen muutto työnantajan näkökulmasta (, pdf)
- Att komma till Finland för att arbeta – arbetstagarens uppehållstillståndsprocess och inflyttning till Finland ur arbetsgivarens perspektiv (, pdf)
Employer advice for international recruitment
If you are hiring an employee from abroad for the first time, you can contact Work in Finland's employer advice service. The free official service advises employers on applying for an employee's residence permit and other international recruitment issues, such as planning the employee's settlement process. The service also advises on questions related to hiring foreign individuals already in Finland.
You can reach Work in Finland's international recruitment employer advice
- by phone at the number 0295 016 770 (on weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm) and
- by email at the address (until 20 December 2024 at 3 pm) or (from 20 December 2024 at 3 pm).
Please note that the service will be closed for the winter holidays on December 3, 20 2024 and will reopen on January 7, 2025 at 9 am.
Also check out Work of Finland's international employer advice website.