Job Market Finland regional pages to support employment areas
On the regional pages, you can easily find the jobs, services, contact information, events, and current news in your region. The content of the pages is the responsibility of a network of actors in the regions.

Job Market Finland’s regional pages offer employment services locally
The regional pages are designed jointly by local actors and are part of Job Market Finland. You can search for information about your area either through your municipality or through the employment area.
The regional pages contain region and municipality-specific information on local events and news related to employment. On the regional pages, you can also find the contact details of actors in different regions and employment-related services.
Regional pages are continuously developed together with the network of actors to meet the needs of employment areas. The number of users of the regional pages has increased significantly in a year: In January 2024, the number of visitors was approximately 55,000 and in January this year, approximately 322,000.
On 1 January 2025, employment and business services were transferred from central government to employment areas formed by municipalities. In the reform, 45 employment areas were formed in Finland, each of which has its own special features, but all of them share the objective of a smooth transition of employment service customers from TE services to municipalities.