Information event for employers on change security for people aged 55 or over
Change security for people aged 55 or over underwent changes at the beginning of 2023. Come hear what you as an employer should know about this change.
At the event, Riku Hautamäki, Chief Specialist in Change Security at the Uusimaa TE Office, will explain things like employers’ obligations and employees’ rights related to extended change security for persons aged 55 or over.
There will also be experts speaking on change security fees for employers letting employees go.
During the information event, you will be able to ask questions in writing, and you can also submit questions in advance with the registration form.
The Federation of Finnish Enterprises, the ELY Centre, the TE Office and the Employment Fund are working together to organise this information event free of charge as an online seminar.
More information
Topical information on change security for people aged 55 or over (, in Finnish)