Availability of labour and labour market mismatch tool published for all citizens


The TE and integration services’ Knowledge-based management project, which operates in the KEHA Centre, has published a tool titled Availability of labour and labour market mismatch on the Mylly data platform.

The application provides extensive information on the labour market and the situation of how supply and demand match in the labour market in different regions. The application is open to all Job Market Finland users without separate identification. Later, the application will be transferred to the Data Job Market Finland information portal under development at the KEHA Centre. From 2025 onwards, the portal will also include up-to-date information on the evaluation of the performance and implementation of TE and integration services as well as tools for comparing employment authorities.

The application can be used, for example, to gain an up-to-date understanding of the development of the labour market situation in the ELY regions and provinces. It provides detailed information on, for example, occupations suffering from labour shortages. It can also be used to determine which professions have an oversupply in the labour market or mismatches, that is, situations where there are challenges in matching unemployed people and open jobs. The report is also useful for job seekers who can receive information on employment opportunities to support them in, for example, examining their own labour market situation.

The report contains comprehensive information on the employment situation, workforce size, open jobs and wages for different occupations. The information is based on the Employment Service Statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Statistics Finland’s Employment statistics, the Job vacancy survey, the Structure of earnings statistics and the Incomes Register Wages and fees statistics. The report combines data from the different registers and is available from July 2014 onwards.

You have access to versatile visualisation tools such as maps, Beveridge curves, job listings and bar charts which will help you understand the labour market situation clearly and visually. You can use these visualisations to illustrate the differences in the availability of labour in different regions and occupations, as well as to examine the pay level of occupations and the characteristics of open jobs. The website also contains a short induction video to support the use of the application.

Read more about the tool on the theme page at Job Market Finland.

Availability of labour and labour market mismatch

You can also go directly to the application.

Työvoiman saatavuus ja kohtaanto -raportti (in Finnish, app.powerbi.com)

Further information on knowledge-based management and the Availability of labour and labour market mismatch tool

Santtu Sundvall
Project Manager
Knowledge-based management of TE and integration services

Eero Janhonen
Project Manager
Reporting and support for knowledge-based management

KEHA Centre’s knowledge-based management services