Netta’s story: Trust that every step is in the right direction

Career story

Your first profession does not determine your whole future. If it did, I would now work as a waitress.

This dawned on me in 2018, just after I had finished my second job interview of the month and opened the door to step onto a busy sidewalk. As I stepped out, I felt my phone vibrate. The caller, who is now my current manager, told me that I had got a job at the children's rights organization Plan International Finland as a social media designer.

I don’t remember exactly what I said because I was so happy with the news. I thanked my manager profusely and said how much I was looking forward to starting work. I had saved my job application in a folder, which full of hope, I had labelled as ‘dream job’. The dream became a reality.

This job was a big step for me as during the application process I had thought that I wouldn’t be able to get a role in communications without an applicable degree and long work experience in communications. Now that I think back, I can see that my multidisciplinary experiences have not been wasted.

At first, I trained to be a waitress. Yes, can you imagine! My dream was to be a flair bartendering champion or a café owner. Well, I didn’t become a famous drink artist or an owner of a bun-scented hipster café, but I had a degree and seven years of work experience in the restaurant industry.

Someone might ask why I wasted several years of my life working in a sector that ultimately was not what I wanted to do with my life. At the age of 18, though, it was my dream, and I don’t want to belittle it. It was an important and valuable dream. A dream that taught me skills that are also useful in my current work. Problem-solving, negotiation and sales skills are valuable in any industry.

The values of non-governmental organisational work increased the relevance of the work

After my restaurant career, I wanted a job where I could combine people-oriented work with values that are important to me. I applied to study at the Humak University of Applied Sciences for a degree in civics and youth work. During my studies, I searched for my own preferences, tried different courses, and pondered what would be the right place for me. Just as the last internship period was about to start, I switched from art education to digital youth work. It felt right immediately and I felt like I had come home.

I did my internship and my thesis at Netari, the online youth club which is part of Save the Children. I also landed my first job with them. Working with social media and young people swept me away. It felt awesome when I was able to do something that had social significance. I knew that I wanted to continue on this path.

When something feels right, it often is

My work with young people was significant and rewarding. However, a spark remained from my studies that reminded me how much I enjoyed communications work. I don’t remember being as excited as I was in any other lessons than on the media education and social media courses. After school, I stayed behind to work on the computer for several hours so I could finish editing my video the same day.

I stumbled upon Plan International’s job posting on LinkedIn. The application process was about to close on the same day, so there was little time to think. I quickly wrote an application and pressed send. The situation was over in the blink of an eye, but I had a feeling in my stomach that applying for this job was the right move.

I got invited to an interview and then received a call to welcome me into my new job. Unbelievable, I thought. That call reinforced my belief that it is always worth pursuing your own dreams, even if they seem impossible at first.

If you’re wondering right now whether you are good enough for your dream job - give it a try! By stepping into the unknown, you will find out if you can achieve your dreams right now. Even if you don’t get the job of your dreams right now, you will gain valuable experience and the courage to pursue your dreams.

Netta Vahteri
Social media designer
Plan International Suomi