Make use of the new employment subsidy for those aged 55 or over
TE Offices and local government pilots may grant your organisation employment subsidy to cover the costs of hiring their customers who are unemployed job seekers aged 55 or over.

The purpose of the subsidy is to promote the employment of those aged 55 or over by improving their professional or entrepreneurial skills. The subsidy is granted and paid to the employer, but the essential part of granting it is the service needs of the unemployed job seeker.
The employment subsidy requires that the unemployed job seeker to be employed has reached the age of 55 and has been unemployed for at least 24 months during the 28 months immediately preceding the granting of the employment subsidy.
Employment subsidy covers 70 % of the eligible payroll costs for 10 months, but no longer than for the duration of the employment relationship. The subsidy is paid up to a maximum of 1 770 euros per month.
You can apply for the subsidy on 27 June 2023 via the E-services of TE Services at Job Market Finland using an electronic form. Apply for employment subsidy well in advance of the start of the employment relationship. The employment relationship may not begin until the employment subsidy has been granted.