Number of job applicant profiles and content that has interested visitors at Job Market Finland in June
There are 310 464 job applicant profiles of which 27 911 are published. See also which are the most read professional interviews and the most popular pages of the 'Employers and entrepreneurs' section.

Have you already created yours? Remember that a published job applicant profile needs to be republished every six months.
The most read professional interviews and pages of the 'Employers and entrepreneurs' section last month
Among the professional interviews found in the 'Professional information' section, the following were the most read:
- Obduction Technician: 186 readers
- Criminal sanctions worker: 125 readers
- CNC machinist: 77 readers
The most popular pages of the 'Employers and entrepreneurs' section and their number of visitors in May were as follows:
- Employee’s job alternation leave: 689 visitors
- Lay-offs from the employer's perspective: 522 visitors
- Change security for the employer: 578 visitors