Familiarise yourself with the new area pages of Job Market Finland and Lapland’s theme page
Information on specific regions is now easier to find and more diverse in Job Market Finland. For the user, regional pages provide an easy way to find vacancies in their area as well as services related to working life and topical issues.

The regional pages can be found in the upper menu of Job Market Finland. The user can choose whether to view the contents by municipality or on a regional level. The regional pages bring together local working life actors and their services in one place.
The basic content on all regional pages includes job vacancies and the employment services described in the Suomi.fi Finnish Service Catalogue. In addition, regions may choose to publish topical content, such as news, event information or videos. The contact information displayed on the regional page allows actors to plan which organisations and services the customer is directed to in each matter.
The content on area pages are made in cooperation
The content of the regional pages is created in cooperation between the employment and economic development actors in the region. In other words, the actors plan together what kind of package is offered. The regional pages allow different organisations to provide comprehensive services across organisational boundaries. The regions are responsible for the maintenance and content production of the regional pages. They also decide the languages in which content is produced. Currently, the possible languages on Job Market Finland are Finnish, Swedish and English.
In addition, the aim is to make statistical, foresight and research data related to the regional working life available.
Theme pages bring visibility to the area's campaigns and own themes
So-called theme pages can be created in connection with the regional pages, which will provide special visibility for the employment themes or topical campaigns in the region. Theme pages are made on uniform layouts upon which areas can build their own content. Based on the area's needs the content can be visual or text-oriented. Theme pages can also have video embedding.
The first theme page has been published for the area pages of Lapland
The Work in Lapland pages have been opened as the first theme page in connection with the Lapland regional pages. The theme page contains important information related to working in the area and in Finland in general. The target audience of the content is international talent considering or planning to move to the Lapland area for work. The theme page collects the most important sources of information in one place, making it easier to access information.
The theme page will also present the area’s employers who are ready to recruit labour force arriving in the area. The area’s employers can register for the theme page by submitting their information through a Webropol questionnaire, which can be found in the Jobs and employers in Lapland section on the theme page.
The content of the Lapland theme pages is mainly in English, as the target audience is international talents and job seekers. The employers’ section is in Finnish.