The regional pages in Job Market Finland make local services easily discoverable


Job Market Finland brings together employment and business services offered by various organisations. The services are displayed on the website in connection to information content, and users can also easily discover their local services through the regional pages of Job Market Finland.

At the moment, regional pages include a comprehensive selection of employment and economic services provided by TE Offices, ELY Centres and local government trials on employment. In addition, regional pages feature services from other organisations as agreed in different regions.

The services have to be described in the Finnish Service Catalogue, from where their details are retrieved to Job Market Finland and regional pages. Public administration organisations have an obligation to use the Finnish Service Catalogue.

Employment regions to be responsible for describing employment services

Employment services are undergoing a reform where, starting in 2025, the TE services that are currently under the responsibility of the state will be transferred to the employment regions formed by municipalities. When it comes to statutory services, they are also obligated to use the Finnish Service Catalogue.

In practice, the new employment regions will have to ensure that the services they provide are described in the Finnish Service Catalogue, and they can be displayed in services such as Job Market Finland.

Getting started with description templates

To make it easier to describe services, the Finnish Service Catalogue will feature description templates of the services that will be the responsibility of the new employment regions. The description templates are meant to serve as a basis for describing services, and each region fills in the required information to the template.

Description templates will be prepared for the most common services. The aim is that the description templates will be finished in early 2024 so that they will be available to the employment regions well before they start operations.

The description templates will be prepared by the web editorial staff in cooperation with the network and specialists. The preparation and maintenance of the description templates will be the responsibility of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

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Job Market Finland's regional pages