To service providers

If you provide services related to the labour market, you can make them part of Job Market Finland.

Job Market Finland is part of the employment management ecosystem

Labour matching is supported by an extensive ecosystem of employment management services. It consists of actors from many different sectors and industries. Networking creates an opportunity to develop new types of employment services and service packages.

Job Market Finland makes new business benefits possible

Job Market Finland brings together public, private and third-sector employment services. Job Market welcomes all service providers that offer and develop services related to working life, entrepreneurship and competence development. The actors must share Job Market’s objectives and commit themselves to working in cooperation to develop the service.

Bringing services to Job Market Finland

Job Market Finland uses the Finnish Service Catalogue as a source of service information. The Finnish Service Catalogue (FSC) is a centralised data repository of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Organisations are allowed to produce information on their services and service channels and bring it to FSC in a uniform manner. The services and service channels described in the FSC are visible in the Web Service. Open data can also be used in other services, such as Job Market Finland.

If you want to have information on your company’s or your organisation’s services on Job Market Finland, describe the organisation’s basic information and services in the Finnish Service Catalogue. Notify Job Market Finland of the services you want to add to Job Market Finland. Send at least the following information about the services by e-mail to

  1. Name of the service
  2. link to the service.

More information
