Guest blogger: Learning brings joy and benefits to your life
Hey you! Would you be interested in a higher income or better opportunities in the world of work? Would you like a pinch of satisfaction and a high dose of strengthened self-esteem? You may make new acquaintances and gain a sense of belonging into the bargain.

Oh yes. There is something that has been proven to offer all this. That something is education.
Research has demonstrated that studying for a degree as an adult increases income and improves employment prospects. Education helps in the world of work in other respects, too. According to a recent survey conducted by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment (SECLE), What do working-age people think about continuous learning?, over 60 per cent of working-age people have participated in training at least occasionally throughout their lives. They feel that the competence acquired during the training and courses has been useful in the world of work. Approximately half say that they would not have coped with their job without the training they received. In fact, people often take part in training in order to obtain the qualifications needed in the world of work.
People’s own interests or willingness to develop themselves inspires many to apply for studies. The studies do not always need to serve the world of work or breed success in employment. According to SECLE’s recent survey, participation in education also increases overall satisfaction with life. In addition, research indicates that studying at an adult education centre, for example, improves well-being, strengthens the sense of belonging, enhances the experience of success, and improves general knowledge, competence and skills that are useful at work as well as in life in general.
You can learn new things just for the sheer joy of learning and because it makes you feel good. According to SECLE’s survey, more than 80% of working-age people enjoy learning new things. Sitra’s Lifelong learning in Finland 2019 survey, on the other hand, indicates that learning throughout life evokes many positive feelings in people, such as curiosity, enthusiasm, optimism, satisfaction, joy, happiness and tranquillity.
Learning is part of everyday life for all of us. The majority of working-age people participate in training and courses at least at some point during their lives. Almost half of the people in employment say that they learn new things in their work on a weekly basis. Everyone also learns continuously in everyday activities, interpersonal relationships and hobbies.
The majority of people of working age trust their ability to learn new things. According to a recent survey, almost one in ten unfortunately thinks that learning new things is not for them. As many as one in ten of working-age people feels that they have obstacles to learning similar to learning difficulties, even if they do not have a diagnosed learning difficulty. If learning difficulties are identified, support is available to help you find your own way to learn new things. After all, learning is meant for all of us.
Nowadays, you can train in many different ways. Some of the training programmes are long and lead to a degree, while others consist of shorter courses. In addition, there are short targeted training courses and various learning modules aimed at people of working-age. There are many different ways to study. You can study online, at weekends or in the evenings, or alongside work. There should be something for everyone.
How about giving it a try? Education and learning are always worthwhile!
More information
- Kannattavatko investoinnit aikuiskoulutukseen? (, in Finnish)
- Elinikäinen oppiminen Suomessa 2019 -kysely (, in Finnish)
- Mitä työikäiset ajattelevat jatkuvasta oppimisesta ja mitä väliä sillä on? (, in Finnish)
Milma Arola
Project Manager