TE Customer Service Centre helps with a professional and friendly approach


The feedback from customers praises the TE Customer Service Centre as a friendly expert service.

Customers appreciate being listened to and genuine encounters.

‘The focus for collecting feedback from the customers of the TE Customer Service Centre and quality development has centred around the theme of creating empathetic and appreciative interactions this year. Customer satisfaction, the clarity of the provided instructions, and the expertise of customer representatives are reflected in the feedback,’ says Stefan Strandberg, Director of the TE Customer Service Centre.

In the surveys conducted in spring and summer 2024, the customers of the TE Customer Service Centre were asked how well the customer service provider succeeded in helping them on a scale of 1–5. The survey was sent to private customers of the in-depth Swedish and English service, Career Counselling, the Financial Guidance for Entrepreneurs service and the Telephone Service for Enterprise Finland. More than 1,300 responses were received.

  • The average score given for the in-depth Swedish-language service was 4.6, while that of the English service was 4.8.
  • The clients of Career Counselling rated the service at 4.8.
  • Customers of the Enterprise Finland telephone service rated the Swedish and English language services at 4.5 and 5 respectively.
  • The Financial Guidance for Entrepreneurs service scored 4.5.

Customers wish for the service to continue

The expert clients of TE Advisory Services in local government pilots were also asked for feedback through a survey. The average score of the feedback was 4.9 and more than 79% of the respondents felt that they had received sufficient information from the helpline. More experts have been requested for the service, as queues may be long. Respondents also hoped that the service would continue after the TE24 change: all respondents considered the continuation of the service to be very necessary.

Feedback from TE Customer Service Centre customers:

  • ”Bra svensk service, förstående och kunnig. Svarade snabbt.”
  • "Very clear instructions. The clerk reviewed everything and made sure professionally and with a good customer approach that the complex matter was solved. Thank you so much."
  • “The adviser is very knowledgeable and service oriented. I got more useful information than I thought about before I called.”

The TE Customer Service Centre is available by phone, chat, email and social media.

The employment and economic development administration’s national customer service centre manages information, advice and guidance services for public employment and business services. These include TE telephone services, the Enterprise Finland Telephone Service and the Financial Guidance for Entrepreneurs counselling service. The services are available through telephone, chat, email, social media and other electronic means of communication.

National customer and advisory services and TE Customer Service Centre personnel will largely be transferred to the KEHA Centre as of 1 January 2025. We will know more about the future advisory services in autumn 2024.

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Guidance services for personal customers

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