Job Market Finland developed in 2023
The year 2023 is approaching its end, so it is time to look back at how Job Market Finland developed during the year. We improved our existing and created new functionalities. We developed the job search, renewed the regional pages, as well as added the Job Alert and the opportunity to identify yourself in a new way, add job postings to Favourites and save job applicant profiles for later review.

At the beginning of the year, we developed the criteria for applying for job vacancies at Job Market Finland, which makes it possible to filter the vacancies according to, for example, working language. We also added the Job Alert, which facilitates finding a suitable job. In Job Market Finland's job search, you can select the desired search criteria and order a notification of new jobs by e-mail. The Job Alert will send you an e-mail when a vacancy that matches your search criteria is published at Job Market Finland.
Job Market Finland's regional pages were revamped in the spring. The regional pages bring together local working life actors and their services in one place. The content of the regional pages is created in cooperation between the employment and economic development actors in the region. The actors plan the content of the regional pages together. The user interviews, conducted during the development phase, examined the customers' needs and views, as the aim was to ensure that the new regional pages meet the needs of both customers and working life actors.
In the summer, we added an alternative identification method at Job Market Finland, for those who cannot use e-identification. If the user is a citizen of an EU country other than Finland, they shall use eIDAS identification as their primary identification method, which can also be accessed through e-identification. However, there are users, such as experts who actively seek work in Finland, for whom strong identification is not possible. When experts seeking work in Finland from abroad use the Sinuna identification service, they can create a job applicant profile and utilise the AI-based matching functionalities of Job Market Finland.
In October, we added a much-desired feature for logged-in users to add job postings to Favourites and view them later. When a user logs in at Job Market Finland, job postings can be added to Favourites on My own pages. The job will appear in Favourites as long as it is available or until it is removed from Favourites.
In November, we added the opportunity for employer and entrepreneur users to save job applicant profiles and review them later. When an employer or an entrepreneur logs in at Job Market Finland, it is possible to mark users' job applicant profiles for later review. The job applicant profile appears in the saved list as long as it is available in the service or until it is deleted from the saved profiles.