Updated Labour Force Barometer published in November


The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland has previously published information on labour force needs in the Occupational Barometer. The labour market assessment has now been updated, and information on labour force and competence needs will be published in the Labour Force Barometer from now on. In addition to the name, the publication schedule will also be updated. In the future, the Labour Force Barometer will be published once a year, and the assessment will always be carried out for one year forward. The publication will take place towards the end of the year, and this year the publication date is Wednesday, 29 November 2023. The new Labour Force Barometer is available from the above-mentioned date onwards at the address tyovoimabarometri.fi.

The Labour Force Barometer is compiled by a panel consisting of experts from organisations from different regions and industries. The participants include TE administration experts, employer representatives and employment and education experts from municipalities.

The Labour Force Barometer uses improved background information that helps in making more accurate forecasts of labour force needs. In addition, the Labour Force Barometer focuses on industries and identifies competence needs better.

Job Market Finland provides valuable information on choosing a profession

You can read about different fields and professions in Job Market Finland’s Professional Information service. You can choose a professional field that interests you or learn more about a specific profession. In the Professional Information service, you can read about the professional fields’ typical employers, the professions’ educational requirements and the current employment situation. You can also read about the competencies and skills required for the profession you selected and about its salary. Through the Professional Information service, you can easily apply for jobs in the profession you have selected.

A versatile report on the availability of labour and labour market mismatch was added to Job Market Finland in August 2023. You can read the report either at the national level or at the regional level for a specific region. In the report, you can see which professions have a shortage of labour force and which have an oversupply of labour force. The report also provides information on salary levels and open jobs for different professions. This information can be useful when you are, for example, making career decisions or changes.

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