Video CV is a versatile way to introduce yourself to an employer
A video CV, which has become more common in recent years, is a more versatile way than a traditional CV to present yourself and your skills to an employer. The process consists of the writing of a script and the filming and post-production of a video. Take a look at these tips for making a successful video CV.

A video CV is a short introduction video of you and your skills. With a video CV, you can bring out your personality, skills and motivation in a more versatile manner and make a bigger impact on the employer than with a paper CV. You can also include a video CV with traditional job seeking documents.
“The use of video CVs has become more common. Job seekers send video CVs especially as an attachment to open applications. The open application is sent to the employer who has not necessarily announced a vacancy but for whose employment the job seeker wishes to express their interest,” explains Arto Lindholm, who acts as a career counsellor in the Väylä project promoting the employment of people in a weak labour market position.
We compiled these tips for making a successful video CV.
It is a good idea to start the creation of a video CV by writing a script.
“A good video CV is about one minute long. It is not necessary to write a complete, polished script. Listing things with bullet points is enough. When you write three sections, an introduction of yourself, your skills and your goals, you can easily compile one minute of material,” Arto Lindholm lists.
If you are applying for a job that requires an introduction video, find out in advance how your skills correspond to the job you are applying for.
“You should be yourself and not play a role in a video CV. However, it is a good idea to practice the performance in advance by, for example, presenting your material to a friend. You can use the feedback you receive from the friend to further refine your video CV.
Recording and conditions
After completing the script and practising, it is time to record your video CV.
“A phone camera is often used to record a video CV, in which case it is important that the video is shot horizontally. It looks better on a computer screen. Make sure the camera stays in place. You can also ask another person to record the video. You should not use any filters. When recording a video CV at home, pay attention to what is in the background. Also take care of sufficient lighting,” Arto Lindholm points out.
You should make sure that there are no extra sounds in the recording environment. If you record your video CV outdoors, be aware that wind can easily cause microphone noise. If you have pets, consider whether you really want to appear with them to the employer.
“For example, my own cats are always in the background when I do something. It is a good idea to place pets in another room during the recording. But pets are not necessarily a bad thing: they may make your video look livelier, which allows you to make a bigger impact on the employer,” says Project Manager Marjut Laaksonen from the Väylä project.
Before the recording, you should take a quick look at the mirror because a clean look gives a good impression.
After the recording, you have to edit your video, that is, do the post-processing work.
“Particular attention should be paid to editing when applying for a job with an open application. Internet’s free applications are easy to use nowadays. They enable you to make your video livelier with images and text. You can also include images of your work samples, for example, and the voice-over function allows your voice to be heard while the images are displayed. It is also possible to add your paper CV as an image,” Arto Lindholm advises.
When your video CV is ready, you should send it to the employer as a link.
“Being bold and trying to make a video CV is a good idea. Remember that you can always try again if you do not succeed the first time. It will become easier with practice,” Marjut Laaksonen encourages.
Marjut Laaksonen and Arto Lindholm spoke about video CVs at the recruitment event RekryExpo held at the Turku Fair Center on 15 March. At the event, Laaksonen and Lindholm represented the Väylä project, which is an employment project coordinated by the City of Salo and partly funded by the European Union.