Guest blogger: Find your next job in the diverse municipal and wellbeing services county sector


Application specialist, cultural manager, machine driver, director of education and wellbeing, school psychologist, permit and competence trainer, data analyst, nutritionist, and marketing coordinator. These are just a few examples of job titles in the public sector.

Did you know that different municipal organisations, such as municipalities, cities, educational institutions, municipal support service companies and wellbeing services counties employ a great number of specialists from different sectors across the country? There are open jobs available from Hanko to Utsjoki.

Municipalities employ a large number of professionals in education and early childhood education and care, and wellbeing services counties employ many professionals of social and healthcare services, but these organisations also have a variety of jobs related to human resources and financial administration, IT, communications, legal services, technology, property management, and cultural and recreational services. Employees are also constantly sought for different development projects and initiatives. The wellbeing services counties are also responsible for organising rescue services.

Among the support service companies owned by municipalities are companies that produce IT services, financial administration services as well as property management, catering and cleaning services for municipalities. There are also municipal energy and water supply plants and regional development associations. Various companies provide special health care services for the wellbeing services counties. Many educational organisations, such as secondary vocational institutions and universities of applied sciences, are also owned by municipalities.

Municipalities and wellbeing services counties also offer summer jobs, traineeships, and temporary posts

In addition to permanent jobs, municipalities and wellbeing services counties offer thousands of summer jobs and traineeships throughout Finland every year. Especially in municipalities, various summer jobs are also available for people under the age of 18. These jobs include varying tasks, such as the upkeep of outdoor areas, customer service for museums, information offices and summer services as well as content production and nursing. Traineeships are also available beyond the traditional teaching, early childhood education and care and social welfare and health care sectors. These may include various administrative tasks and technical services. The majority of summer jobs and traineeships can be applied for from January to March.

Municipalities and wellbeing services counties also have a continuous need for substitutes, and consequently temporary work is available especially in nursing, health care, education, early childhood education and care, and catering and cleaning services. Some are long-term substitute posts and others are single shifts received at short notice. Employers have different practices for how they manage their substitute recruitment. The best way to learn about these practices and enquire after job opportunities is to contact the recruiting employer directly.

The public sector offers many kinds of work

In general, municipal organisations are considered stable and responsible employers who offer versatile and practical tasks to trainees, summer workers and permanent staff. Depending on the size of the employer organisation, the tasks may be very independent or take place in larger teams.

Personnel competence development and career advancement are supported and employees’ well-being is ensured in a multitude of ways. The pay is always based on a collective agreement (KVTES, OVTES, TS, LS or SOTE), but the amount of pay may also be affected by previous experience and performance at work.

You can find open jobs notices for both permanent and temporary posts in municipalities, cities, wellbeing services counties, educational institutions and municipal support service companies as well as a lot of useful information to support your job search in the Kuntarekry online service.

Kuntarekry – Open jobs (


Emma Kolehmainen works as Communications Manager at Grade Solutions Oy, which produces the Kuntarekry service. She is responsible for Kuntarekry’s communications and marketing to job seekers.