Don't forget to publish your job applicant profile
Did you start the year without a job? Have you already created a job applicant profile for Job Market Finland, but did not publish it yet? Now is a good time to publish your profile and increase your opportunities for finding a suitable job.

Publishing your job applicant profile improves your chances of finding a job, since employers who log in to Job Market Finland receive recommendations on potential employees based on job applicant profiles. Your profile must be published so that employers can see it in their recommendations.
If you want to allow employers using Job Market Finland to see your profile in their recommendations list and contact you, publish your profile by clicking ‘Review and publish’. Keep an eye on your email; employers’ contact requests will be sent there. Employers can also browse published job applicant profiles with different keywords. Please note that the published profile is anonymous and does not contain any personal data unless you add information such as links to your social media channels to your profile.
When you post a profile, you also set a publication period for it, for up to six months. In other words, the published job applicant profiles will disappear after six months. If you have previously published your job applicant profile and you want employers to continue seeing your profile in their job postings’ suggestions or when browsing applicants, please check when your profile was published and make sure that your profile remains visible to employers.