Support of employee well-being in the workplace continues to improve


The final report of the 2021 working life barometer highlighted employees' experiences of a more positive atmosphere in the workplace. However, workplace bullying persists.

According to the 2021 working life barometer, the majority of employees perceive the atmosphere in their workplace to be confidential and safe. Employees also feel that conflicts that arise in work communities can be addressed and resolved. The working life barometer also measures bullying, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace. These things are still occurring, but according to the barometer, mostly only occasionally.

Work performance is assessed especially in public sector workplaces

Work performance appraisals have become commonplace over the past 15 years. Assessments are most common among senior officials and state and municipal employees. Half of the respondents found the discussions useful, while half felt that the discussions were not particularly useful but not completely useless either.

In 2021, 54 per cent of wage earners found pay very or fairly encouraging. Men, senior executives, and those in industrial work found their pay the most encouraging.

Observations on workplace bullying have remained stable

Respondents had experienced discrimination and bullying from supervisors, co-workers, and customers, but mostly only occasionally. The 2021 working life barometer was the first one to survey the incidence of sexual harassment in the workplace. Two per cent of respondents had experienced sexual harassment once and two per cent multiple times.

Most workplaces support the well-being of their employees

Employees' experiences of workplace atmosphere have become even more positive. Transparency and the flow of information have improved. The treatment of employees has also become more equitable. The majority of employees perceive the work atmosphere in their workplace to be confidential, in addition to which the handling and resolution of conflicts has been perceived to have improved.

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More information

Työolobarometri 2021 loppuraportti: Hyvinvointia tukeva toiminta yleistä työpaikoilla, havainnot työpaikkakiusaamisesta pysyneet tasaisina (, in Finnish)