Number of job applicant profiles and content that has interested visitors at Job Market Finland in August
There are 334 612 job applicant profiles of which 29 064 are published. See also which are the most read news and popular pages.

Have you already created yours? Remember that a published job applicant profile needs to be republished every six months.
The most read news and pages of the 'Searching for work' section last month
The most popular news and their number of visitors in August were as follows:
- Autumn joint application to higher education starts soon: 317 readers
- 293,300 unemployed jobseekers in June: 279 readers
- Didn't get a study place? There are many options for taking the next step: 251 readers
The most popular pages of the 'Searching for work' section and their number of readers were as follows:
- Handling official matters and registering as a job seeker: 5 768 visitors
- Job seeker's customer service model: 2 739 visitors
- Services to support job seeking: 1 219 visitors